Women, if you ask them, will usually say that their six pack abs is the sexiest part of any man's body.
Abdominal muscles present a picture of a person's overall fitness and core body strength.
Any healthy, active man is attractive with a six pack.
Also, men like to see a female with firm abs and flat belly.
Well-defined abs are so attractive because you know that they were achieved through self-discipline with a 6-pack abs workout plan.
When you achieve that perfect abs body, you feel more confident and your self-esteem is strong.
Unfortunately, so many people who spend hours working out in a gym, sweating and overworking their muscles will never achieve those visible 6 pack abs.
Although they can develop abdominal muscles, there is a layer of the abdominal fat, belly fat, still covering the abs.
Your fat levels need to be reduced to 15 to 20% BMI for your abs to be seen.
Women have a harder time achieving this because they naturally have a higher level of body fat, less muscle.
A woman with really ripped abs has worked hard to have a lower level of body fat.
If you want to succeed with your 6 pack you will need to make a commitment to a diet program and overall ab work out.
This would include: 1.
Frequent and regular cardiovascular work outs.
A diet with restricted calories that will achieve muscle building.
Strength training using weights.
If you want your results to be visible, then you must consistently apply all of those factors.
If you have been working hard but have not seen the results you were looking for, then you are probably not doing one of the above steps.
Short cuts simply do not work.
Weights and strength training need to be done along with the diet and cardiovascular work outs in order to get those abs you are looking for.
Don't give up if your results don't happen fast enough for you.
Stick with your routine and commitment and you will one day see the perfect abs you have been working for.