Business & Finance Corporations

Becoming Self Employed With a Home Based Internet Business - Traffic First

The Internet is growing at a very fast rate, in North America alone the number of users has more than doubled from 110 million to 250 million between 2000 and 2009.
For someone looking to become self employed based on the Internet, the numbers are encouraging.
Today roughly 75% of the North American population is using the Internet.
In Australia it is over 60% and in Europe over 50%.
With over 1.
7 billion online users worldwide every day, an Internet business can be a very good home based business.
The Internet operates 24 hours a day 7 days a week all around the world and anybody with the desire and passion to become self employed can tap into the opportunity of an Internet based business.
The bottom line to a successful business is generating traffic to your website.
There are a number of methods that are used to do this.
If you are new and know nothing about how to create traffic then you should seek an opportunity that teaches you traffic generation along with the rest of business model.
You can have an awesome website with great products and value, but if you don't generate traffic to it...
well you know the rest of the story.
Traffic is king and there are several methods that you should be using.
A solid Internet Marketer will have good understanding of how to use the following to create massive amounts of traffic;
  1. Search Engine Optimization, SEO techniques.
  2. Social Media such as Blogs, Twitter, Face Book, and more.
  3. Video Marketing with You Tube and Viddler to name a few.
  4. Article Marketing by writing articles that are submitted to various directories.
  5. Paid Advertising with for example Banner Ads and Pay Per Click Ads
  6. E-mail and using auto-responders.
If you have an online business or are new and don't really have a grasp on the items listed then chances are your website is; or will be struggling with traffic to the site.
It is not necessary to use all of them, but SEO techniques along with Social, Video, and Article marketing campaigns should be used continually.
Paid advertising will generate the most traffic when done correctly.
It is advised that you stay away from it until you know how to use it and have used the other methods to bring in the revenue to fund paid advertising.
You can still create a large income without the use of paid advertising you just need to be good with the others, which by the way are free or very cheap.
Many opportunities exist that will tell the story of the riches to be had with simple websites but fail to inform that you need to know how to generate traffic in order for them to work.
Generating traffic is not that hard once you know what needs to be done, then by doing it consistently and persistently.
By doing so you'll soon create the momentum that's needed in becoming self employed with a home based internet business.

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