Health & Medical Hair Health,Hair Loss

Hair Implants for Women

Hair implants for women can be a bit taboo. It is not a topic easily brought up and discussed by women or men. As most people are fairly particular about their hair, knowing your options for hair implants for women makes a lot of sense.

The procedure for hair implants does not differentiate by gender. The basic consensus is that the scalp area that has hair is removed by a plastic surgeon. The removed portion of scalp is taken by a technician to divide each of the hair follicles. The separated hair follicles are then prepped and given to the plastic surgeon for implantation.

Once the plastic surgeon has the prepared individual follicles, the patient will then undergo the procedure. The process for hair implants for women entails that the hairs are inserted into the area of the scalp that does not have hair. A highly trained surgeon will be able to place the hairs in groups so that they will look perfectly natural. In fact, the hair is natural in that it comes from the patient's scalp. Sounds pretty simple, right? In addition, it is really nice that the hair grows and will follow the pattern of the established hair growth.

Hair implants for women are not typically the result of pattern baldness. On the other hand, men can be sufferers of male pattern baldness. Women often experience thinning over the entire head area versus one particular bald spot. It is definitely not impossible for a woman to have a bald spot that would cause the need for implants. Hair implants, also called grafting, are generally performed on an outpatient basis. While the procedure is performed in the surgeon's practice, the patient most always is allowed to go home. The assistant will administer a local anesthetic directly into the scalp area. If you request it, they can provide sedation, also. Some patients feel more relaxed and comfortable when they are sedated; especially if they fear medical procedures.

Hair implants for women can use micro-grafts, which have no more than one, maybe two hair follicles per graft. Implants can also use slit-grafts containing around four and ten hair follicles or even punch-grafts that hold as many as ten to fifteen hair follicles. The size of hair loss determines the specific implantation needed. It can take anywhere from three to sometimes four treatment sessions in order to achieve the needed scalp coverage or 'fullness' desired. Doctors usually recommend waiting between two and four months in between implant sessions for proper healing.

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