The understanding of the hair loss is progressing among men and women. Nowadays, they are trying to solve this problem with ideal treatment, systems and programs available with leading solution providers.
Hair loss is a major problem but it is not life threatening. It can be diagnosed and cured. According to surveys and findings, it has been observed that about 35 to 40% of men develop this problem by the age of 35. Also, 65% of men suffer this by the age of 60 years.
In this article, we will come to know about causes, diagnosis and baldness cure. Please go through this article and know about these aspects in detail.
It is not life threatening but it is also a fact that continuous hair loss can affect quality of life of individuals. Additional stress due to this condition can affect one in terms of future effect of this problem. And as far as causes of baldness are concerned, there can be various causes like genetic predisposition which is defined as the risk based on family history.
Another major cause is autoimmune disease likevitigo and SLE. Hormonal disorders as hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism and serious skin diseases like eczema, psoriasis etc causes hair loss. Other causes include burns, excessive combing, menopause, nutritional deficiency, high grade fever, drug intake, starvation, chemical exposure and major surgery.
Before opting for hair restoration, individuals are required to go through complete and correct diagnosis. The doctors follow a comprehensive scalp examination to analyse the actual cause and its treatment. For diagnosis, the examination requires certain details like detailed medical history, serum iron, full blood count, microscopic examination of hair, renal and thyroid function test.
Baldness cure
About baldness cure, the treatment is based on two aspects including cause of hair loss and medical conditions of individuals. And advanced technology based hair systems are also available in the market to offer perfect hair solutions to individuals. The kind of hair system available these days are technologically advantageous than other treatment alternatives.
Some of the best things about modern hair systems are that they are extremely lightweight, come with permanent curl retention, maintain fine texture, retain hair style under any conditions and so on.
From the above discussions, it can be said that this problem carries negative stereotypes that can take a psychological toll on any person; this is why one is required to opt for ideal hair transplant solution or getting it treated with modern hair systems available in the market.
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