The summer is a great time to take photos.
Even though a lot of flowers may be gone from spring and lots of plants may be drying up, it is still one of the best time to take shots.
During the summer you may go to the beach, the mountains, etc.
When you go on vacation bring your camera and reap the awards of visiting new places.
As with any photo escapade, you need to be a little prepared for the summer.
One of the most important things to prepare for is the sun.
The sun can really be hot and bright during the summer.
A good solution to this is to get a UV filter for your camera.
This will help get rid of unwanted effects the sun can bring.
Also, a UV Hood can also help your camera and reduce the lens flare that the sun can bring.
Because of the brighter settings during this time, you really need to be sure to expose the photo right.
The large amounts of light mean less light is needed to expose a shot.
This could be good and bad.
The positive is that you can use longer shutter speeds without having to worry about needing more light.
The drawback is that you can end up with overexposed shots that are all white! As with any day of the year, the best time to take photos is during the early morning and the night.
During mid day during summer your photos are going to look the worst.
The sun will be straight overhead and result in very harsh shots.
A good solution to this is to bring some reflectors and diffusers.
A reflector can be made of tin foil and a diffuser could simply be an old blanket mounted on PVC pipes or a wooden frame.
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