It is so common in modern urban environments because most of us have very weak immune systems due to lifestyles that are based around low nutrient food, toxic overload, lack of rest and high stress.
If your immune system is strong then it naturally fights off most infections and even if those around you fall ill you can remain unaffected.
Here are some tips on how to prevent colds and flu naturally.
Why Go Natural? Some of the chemicals in pharmaceutical medicines are potentially damaging and best avoided.
Most pharmaceutical drugs for colds and flu work by suppressing symptoms rather than treating the cause, and foster the 'soldier on' mentality.
This combination often causes the true underlying health issue to become worse in the long run.
Flu vaccines contain some concerning ingredients as well and they are only good for helping to prevent certain virus strains.
They are not 100% effective and if your immune system is already weak when you have a flu vaccination then the vaccine will force your tired immune system to fight hard against the injected virus and become even more depleted.
Pharmaceutical drugs and vaccines provide an easy, quick-fix option, but we need to ask ourselves what the long-term impact is on our health of exposing ourselves to these chemicals and are there other options which are just as effective and simultaneously strengthen our bodies.
The answer to the latter question is a definite yes.
How to Prevent Colds and Flu Naturally 1.
Focus on Prevention Strengthen your immune system and your mindset.
Understand that if your immune system is robust it is highly likely that it will defend your body from any cold and flu bacteria and viruses before they have a chance to take hold.
Sometimes, the susceptibility is in our mind.
If you think, believe or fear that you will catch every bug that is going around, then it is highly likely that you will.
If you do tend to have thoughts and fears like this then I recommend using Meridian Tapping/EFT to clear them.
You can strengthen your immune system by:
- Keeping your stress levels low
- Getting a good night's sleep most nights
- Making sure you maintain good levels of probiotic (good) bacteria in your digestive system which is the core of your immune system
- Ensuring your levels of vitamin D are optimum
- Eating a high nutrient diet
- Drinking plenty of quality water
- Eating plenty of anti-bacterial/anti-viral herbs such as garlic, thyme, rosemary, sage and oregano
- Getting outside in the fresh air and sunshine as often as possible
- Washing your hands regularly - normal soap and water is fine
- Avoiding sugar and fructose (sugar weakens your immune system and creates damaging inflammation in your body)
Treat the Cause The most important treatment for any illness is rest.
Give your body the down-time it needs to fight off infection.
It is most effective if you rest as soon as you feel symptoms start.
If you do this you can usually either fight off the infection before it takes hold or at least significantly reduce the severity of it.
Give yourself permission to take the rest you need.
Who is telling you that you have to 'soldier on?'.
Treating the cause of colds and flu can mean that symptoms seem to take longer to clear, but they are cleared and not just masked to re-appear later.
You also often need to be more intensive when using natural treatments i.
use significant doses quite frequently.
Here are some natural treatments to try which work to kill the bacterial/viral infection causing the cold/flu as well as bringing relief from symptoms:
- Consume quality chicken bone broth made into soup with lots of garlic, ginger, thyme, cayenne pepper and vegetables of your choice
- Drink ginger tea, thyme tea (especially for coughs) and warm drinks made with fresh lemon juice and manuka honey
- Vaporize anti-bacterial/anti-viral essential oils like tea-tree, manuka, lemon and eucalyptus
- For night coughing pre-warm a bowl and then pour boiling water over some fresh sage leaves.
Add a couple of drops of eucalyptus oil and let it steam in the room.
Sage is helpful for relieving coughs and has sedative properties to aid sleep. - To relieve sinus pain and congestion put fresh rosemary leaves, or one drop of tea-tree or eucalyptus oil into a bowl of boiling hot water and inhale the vapors with a towel over your head.
Repeat as needed.
Common inflammatory foods include: sugar, wheat, citrus fruits (except lemons), refined vegetable oils, fried foods, tomatoes and processed dairy products.
Stress is also inflammatory.
Finally, here is the recipe for my homemade cough medicine: 2 parts raw, organic apple cider vinegar (decongestant) 3 parts unheated manuka honey (kills bacteria and soothes throat) 1 part quality, cold pressed olive oil (soothes throat and is anti-inflammatory) 3 parts apple juice (for taste) 2 parts colloidal silver (optional - natural anti-bacterial) I incorporate these practices into my lifestyle and I rarely get colds.
I can't remember the last time I had the flu.
If I do get a cold then the symptoms are minor and pass quickly.
I have children.
They do get colds more frequently than me, but not as frequently or severely as their peers.
Most of these natural health promoting practices and remedies have been time tested over hundreds of years and are now also backed by scientific research.
It may take a little bit more time and effort to maintain your health naturally, but you are worth the investment.