Before I begin let me tell you that vinegar is not a cure all for head lice but should be used more as a preventative measure if you or your child has come in contact with someone who has head lice.
The best way to avoid head lice altogether is to avoid contact with someone who is infested and avoid what the infested person has come in contact with, such as couches, combs, clothes, etc...
This is why lice is spread among children so easily as they are always playing together and coming in close contact with one another.
Now, on to the vinegar treatment.
Here's what you will need: vinegar, nit comb and water.
That's it.
Seems easy enough.
Here are the steps to take: - wash your hair with your regular shampoo.
mix equal amounts water and vinegar together and use this solution to rinse your hair.
its the acidity in the vinegar that the lice do not like.
- do not rinse this solution out.
now apply at least 1/2 cup of pure vinegar to your hair.
scrub it into your hair thoroughly all the way down to the scalp.
cover your head, that's your head, not your face, with something like a plastic bag and let sit for at least one hour.
some people say 30 mins.
Try to make it closer to an hour.
- now, take your nit comb and comb through the hair.
be sure you are using the proper nit comb.
comb from the scalp to the end of the hair and be sure you cover every strand of hair.
- for the next 5 days, rinse your hair with the equal amount of water and vinegar solution - after you have used vinegar in your hair, do not use shampoo or conditioner in your hair as this will reduce the acidity in the vinegar and the treatment will not be as effective.
As a further preventative measure, take all of the linens and clothes in your house that may have come in contact with lice and wash them in hot water and dry them on hot.
This will kill any lice that may be hiding in them.
If the item is unable to be washed, put it in an air tight bag and let sit for a couple of weeks.
This will not only suffocate the lice but remove them from their life source, human blood.
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