Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Answering Myths About Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a time for joy.
It is a time when the parents-to-be look forward to the hold their bundle of joy in their arms.
Unfortunately, not every mother-to-be is as knowledgeable about pregnancy as she should be.
To add the confusion they are often misled by half truths and old wives' tales when it comes to their pregnancy week by week.
In order to have a healthy pregnancy, women must educate themselves on the early pregnancy symptoms and other pregnancy related issues.
Myth 1: Miscarriages Many women worry about health issues during their pregnancy.
One of the biggest concerns about pregnancy is miscarriages.
Miscarriages happen, however, all spotting and bleeding are not signs of miscarriage.
Still you must see a doctor immediately in case you have some.
Myth 2: Weight gain Mothers are also worried about their own health during pregnancy.
Weight gain is a concern for most new mothers.
With the week by week development of the baby, a mother gains about 25-35 pounds.
However while eating; a mother-to-be must take care of the quality and not the quantity of food that she eats.
She should not think that she has to eat for two! Instead she should follow a good diet plan.
She should give up smoking, alcohol and reduce caffeine intake.
Mild exercise such as walking and swimming are great ways to maintain ideal weight.
Myth 3: Labor Many women are afraid of labor as well.
They presume labor to be always painful.
Labor might be painful for some women, while others may not feel much pain during childbirth.
Women today can opt for natural birth or epidurals.
Epidurals reduce labor pains.
Breathing techniques can also help to reduce pain during natural childbirth.
Keeping fit and healthy throughout pregnancy ensures an easy labor.
Myth 4: Posture One of the biggest myths about pregnancy is that you should not sleep on your back.
As long as you find it comfortable, and have no health problems, sleeping on your back is okay.
Most women find it comfortable to sleep on their side.
Myth 5: Travel Another major concern for mothers is the use of seatbelts.
Seatbelts save lives, so you should not stop wearing one when traveling.
However, you need to speak to your doctor about the position of the belt.
If you can place the belt properly, there is no risk to your baby.
Today, women have many choices in terms of medical care and information.
The mortality rate for mothers and babies has gone down considerably all over the world in the past few decades.
All thanks to modern medicine and pregnancy health awareness.
Hence, there is really no reason for you to worry about pregnancy.
Take it easy and make sure you have proper diet and follow a well planned exercise regime.

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