Health & Medical Diabetes

Type 2 Diabetes - How Diabetics Can Lower Their Cholesterol Level

When cholesterol levels are not properly managed they set the tone for a multitude of health problems to creep in.
Heart disease, stroke and high blood pressure are just a few of the many complications that can arise from having low levels of HDL or "good" cholesterol and high levels of LDL or "bad" cholesterol.
Most of the cholesterol you need to survive is manufactured in your liver.
Dietary cholesterol is present in all animal products that contain saturated fats.
Saturated facts raise your blood cholesterol, which are also known as serum cholesterol.
Stats show the average American eats food containing 400 mg of cholesterol each day...
actually almost none is needed.
Here are a few ways to help you lower the "bad" level and raise the "good": 1.
Eat more fish.
Recommendations call for fish to be eaten at least twice a week.
Fish is packed with heart-healthy omega-3 amino acids.
But not just any kind of fish will do.
It needs to be fresh and only those considered as being a "fatty" fish such as tuna, mackerel, trout, sardines and salmon.
Frozen varieties won't do.
Eat more nuts.
Nuts are another excellent source of omega-3.
Almonds, walnuts and pistachios are the best as long as they are in their natural form.
But coating them with salt, sugar or some other topping, ruins the positive effects you could receive from them.
Eat more fruits and vegetables.
Consuming the daily allowance of the right (key word here) kinds of fruits and vegetables is another good move towards a healthy heart.
Fresh is always best, but frozen will do as long as they are frozen while still fresh and not processed in any way.
Canned is also okay as long as it is not packed in sugar and syrup and has not been on the shelf for a long time.
Eat more whole grains.
This is where many people get tripped up.
They automatically think brown bread has to be healthy, but they would be wrong.
Even if bread is darker in color it can still be just as bad as having white bread products.
Anything that includes words like "refined" or "processed" means the natural, "good stuff" has been stripped out and man-made, unnatural "bad stuff" put in.
Eat appropriate portions.
Portion control is a big problem for many.
Overeating is directly linked to Type 2 diabetes and a host of other medical problems, including high cholesterol.
Knowing what an adequate portion is will help you keep blood sugar, cholesterol and weight balanced.
Instead of loading up on too many carbs, fats and protein, try packing in fresh vegetables.
Eat responsibly.
It isn't feasible to expect anyone to completely give up fast food or eating out.
But doing so in moderation allows you to occasionally indulge without overdoing it.

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