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Reflections by Jill - A Weekly Commentary for OLTL for November 3, 2008

Am I the only one who couldn’t care less that Clint Buchanan has suddenly found his remorseful side? Honestly, he could apologize from today until doomsday and I wouldn’t be impressed. A lucky solution fell into Clint’s lap as far as I’m concerned. I wasn’t impressed when he went to Nora and told her that he was sorry for what he did and that he now knows how wrong he was. Sure, he says he realizes now that he was turning into his father, but it’s the old sorry he got caught and not sorry for what he did as far as I’m concerned.

So Clint heads to the hospital to try to make amends with Langston and he’s just lucky that this young woman has more class and ethics in her little pinky finger than he has in his whole body. After a few choice words, Langston believes that Clint is truly sorry for what he did and believes he will make everything right. Nothing Clint does now can change the fact, in my opinion, that he paid off the warden to have Ray released when he knew the man was a convicted murderer, not the mention that he basically blackmailed Jared into doing the dirty work for him (and I’m not excusing Jared one bit for doing it). Putting Langston in that kind of jeopardy isn’t so forgivable in my book.

And can I just say something about Nora? I have always liked and championed this character, but it galls me that the writers can take a character who is an example of a smart, independent woman and give her that one flaw that irks me the most; and that flaw is that she is a fool for men. She hasn’t gotten it right since she was with Bo and she found a way to mess that up, too.

Why is Nora always so willing to settle for dishonest traits in men when she is such a stickler for honor and truth in all other aspects of her life?

I was really annoyed when Nora brought Dorian to her office and offered her a deal, saying that she would drop the charges against Dorian if she gave B.E. back to Clint. Nora has been compromising her own sense of right and wrong ever since she found out that Clint was using Langston to get at Dorian and she has let some really dangerous things happen without holding Clint accountable. Nora told Dorian that she stole Clint’s company and he was just reacting to her actions, even though he did some terrible things. Is Nora kidding? I think she should have just let Dorian go and admit that at least for now, she didn’t have sufficient proof to charge her with conspiracy in Ray’s shooting. Making B.E. part of the bargain was just wrong and Nora should never have brought her personal life into her office that way. As much as I want to see Dorian punished for a lot of things, I wish she had called Nora’s bluff. Maybe Nora needs to see Clint out celebrating the return of his beloved company with Dallas before she realizes that she should have let him fend for himself where B.E. is concerned. Clint is perfectly happy with everyone knowing that Ray “escaped” from prison, while several people know that he facilitated that “escape.”

So Dorian finally gives in and throws in the towel, signing the company back over to Clint. That’s too bad. I was enjoying watching him squirm.

Dorian arrives home to find Adriana ready to leave for Paris. Leave it to Dorian to be sympathetic and not show how happy she must be inside that Rex is out of Adriana’s life. Sure, she’s upset that Adriana’s life didn’t work out happily, but Adriana said it all when Dorian said, “I’m sorry you lost Rex” and Adriana replied, “I think you THINK you mean that.” That’s exactly what I was thinking. So, Adriana and Dorian make their peace and Adriana heads back to Paris after a heartfelt talk with Rex.

Now we get to see Rex and Adriana try to make a life together with their son. I wonder how TPTB can screw this one up. I hope they give this couple a fighting chance. Adriana finally had to admit that Rex wanted Gigi and her marriage was over. It was good that Rex and Adriana were finally honest with each other and admitted that they never should have gotten married in the first place. It’s about time they both grew up. They once had a very loving relationship and at least they parted on decent terms.

Is a romance brewing between Cris and Vanessa? In upcoming days, Sarah is going to be worried about their relationship and it is obvious that something is going on between these two people. Vanessa has no remorse for shooting Ray and is only sorry he isn’t dead; and Ray says that he didn’t kill Lola’s mother and that Vanessa set him up. What is the truth? We know that Ray’s storyline will be winding up for now, but what will the future hold. I hope we get to see more of A Martinez.

I guess Tess took the same road as Tina when she figured out how to rig a few sticks of dynamite to make an explosion. Gee, the women of Llanview are so resourceful, aren’t they? Tess makes it clear to Natalie and Jared that she is going to blow them to kingdom come and she is not impressed by the fact that Jared says since everything that happened to Nash is his fault, Tess should let Natalie go and just kill him. Tess has no intention of letting anyone deter her from killing Natalie and Jared, until she tries to head out of the basement before they blow up and winds up doubled over in pain. Wow, it’s so inconvenient to be so pregnant while you’re trying to commit murder. Natalie and Jared thought they had Tess at a disadvantage for a while when she was doubled over with camps and they got her to think about letting them help her so her baby would be okay. But hey, this is Tess we’re talking about and it took her about thirty seconds to decided that she’d rather die in pain than let Natalie and Jared survive. Too bad Tess didn’t think about who might be in the house when she ran out and was intercepted by Charlie in the kitchen.

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