Health & Medical Parenting

My Ten Tips for Traveling with Kids

As a Parent with children who has ventured on road trips, flying trips, cruises, and day trips, I can attest to the fact that traveling with little ones is not an easy feat!  Yet don't let this stop you from enjoying a vacation with your kids.  A well planned trip, can turn a disaster into a memorable getaway for the entire family!  Here are ten basic tips for those who are taking the plunge!

1.  Bring along a stroller.  (if you are traveling with any kids under the age of 5) If you are traveling by plane, or car, a lightweight stroller is much more convenient, to haul in and out of the car, gate check-in etc.  Some people feel that a full size standard stroller that is comfortable for sleeping with a good recline, is important as well.  This is up to you, depending on your children's needs.  But a stroller is a MUST!  If you are traveling with a newborn or small infant, you might want to look into the baby carrier option too.

2. If you are checking into a hotel, unpack immediately.  As soon as you arrive, set up the room to make it as comfortable as possible for your kids.  Set up the baby in the playpen, with some toys, or send him/her out with spouse or older sibling so you can take some time to unpack wisely.  Settling in will make your stay much more calm and sane throughout.

3. Set up a changing station, with all necessary paraphanelia (diapers wipes etc)  Unpack some of your children's favorite toys and set it up in one area for them to use, during down time.  Even if the hotel room does not come with an official kitchen area, designate a corner where you will keep food, snacks, bottles, and formula.

4. When baby needs to are some helpful tips for getting in that necessary nap.

 -walk with baby in the reclined stroller (for a young infant or toddler, who "needs" his nap, a full featured stroller that reclines might work better than an umbrella stroller)

-wear your baby

-drive around while your baby sleeps in the car and check out the scenic spots in the area

-take turns nap sitting, or use the nap time as a down time for you, to unwind and rejuvenate for the next attraction.

5. When dining with baby, bring along healthy meal-like snacks or order some quick finger food while you wait for your meal, because a hungry baby is not fun!  Choose a restaurant that is family friendly, that offers a highchair, if possible. You might want to have some meals in the hotel room, making things easier and quicker.  For that you have to make sure to pack some small travel friendly meals, like bagels, mini cereal packages and even some tv dinners, if your room is equipped with a microwave.  Even though, many hotels may have plastic utensils in their breakfast room, bring those along. You don't want to have to scramble around for utensils when the kids are hungry!

6. Feeding babies - if your baby drinks formula, pack more than you need.  You can empty the formula can into ziploc bags. On your daily outings prepare a few well sealed bottles with sterilized water before going out.  It's easier than getting water when the baby is screaming out of hunger. If you breast feed your baby, nurse wherever you feel comfortable.       

7. Car and plane traveling - pack enough snacks and drinks for the amount of hours you will be spending in the air or on the road.  Remember - too much sugar, makes them hyper and jittery, and very salty snacks will make the kids ask for drinks the whole trip (and bathroom stops for the older ones!)       

8. Entertaining kids in the car and plane - A DVD player is a must on a road trip with kids.  Invest in some new DVD's so they will be exciting and entertaining while you are traveling.  Bring some of the kids favorite books and any handheld electronic games that will keep the older ones busy.  My kids kept themselves busy for hours with the Crayola washable window markers, doodling away on the car windows. (it is totally removable with baby wipes or a wet tissue!)         

 9.  Do not over pack.  Try not to pack in too many luggages, because you need free hands to hold, or push the babies - whether in the airport, or hotel lobby.  The bigger ones can help with the lighter wheely luggages, or pushing the baby in the stroller.

10. Make sure, you enjoy!  Throw away all your old ideas about how a vacation should be, and enjoy the kids and the new craziness that is traveling with them.  Laugh at all the nutty baby moments (like diaper blowouts at the romantic diner or arriving at the local playground at 6 AM) Don't forget, you are not alone, there are plenty of other parents trying the same adventure as you!

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