Home & Garden Home Design & Decorating

A Light Hearted History Of Tiles

A tile is a manufactured, hard wearing material made up of items such as ceramic, stone, metal or glass. Tiles are often used for roofs, floors, walls, showers or items such as tabletops in people's homes, buildings, churches and, if you have a luxury home tiles can be made to decorate the flooring of your swimming pool with a selection of patterned tiles.

There are many types of tiles that you can purchase for your home ranging from ceramic, porcelain, natural stone and mosaic.

Ceramic tiles are associated with being the main tile available to be used for both walls and floors. This is because they can be used for indoor use and they offer a tough decorative surface that looks great and is low maintenance.

Porcelain tiles can be used both in and outdoors as they are extremely hard wearing in comparison to ceramic and they are practically impervious to water and frost.

Natural stone tiles can be made up of several materials such as; travertine, marble, granite, limestone and slate. This form of tile can provide a beautiful design for a hardwearing home.

Mosaic art is the more unusual form tiling as they are usually supplied on sheets that can be used as whole of cut out for borders and features to create some stunning decorative effects.

These stunning and decorative affects can also be known as Mosaic art which is images created through the assemblage of small pieces of coloured glass, stone, or other materials and, can also be used for interior decoration or cultural and spiritual decoration.

Some of the most famous mosaics come from around the world including Italy, California, Spain, New York, France and England.

The mosaic from England which is highly recognised is €The Great Pavement€ in Westminster Abbey which was laid down in the 13th century after seeing a new floor in the Pope's Roman summer home.

The 24ft floor is comprised of rare marbles, gemstones and, coloured glass which where all brought back on the ship from Italy to England along with some of the finest Italian craftsmen.

Another famous mosaic art piece is on the La Mason Picassiette list in France which is an extremely impressively stunning piece located in a small house in Chartres, which is around 50 miles southwest of Paris.

Between 1938 and 1964, Raymond Isidore covered his house in Chartres, garden, courtyard, furniture, floors and anything else he could in broken ceramic tile. The finishing piece is outstanding and each year the house receives around 30,000 visitors.

To some people tiles may seem like a boring item to purchase and dress up your home with but when you look into the skills, craftsmanship and designs that have been created solely using tiles it is more than impressive how you can make something beautiful through having the imagination, skill and patience to create art through tiles.

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