For those men in who seek out a way to increase there control and improve their sexual stamina in he bedroom, available today on the market is a product with a unique targeted delivery system and fast acting absorption.
This sexual enhancer was engineered specifically for those men who continue to complain about their lack of sexual stamina or their loss of sexual stamina.
The main reason for its popularity is its fast acting efficiency resulting from immediate absorption upon application.
The use of Vivaxa does not hamper your sex life with female partners.
This Vivaxa information article will reveal more.
Product Information For the means of combating premature ejaculation in men, Bremsen Labs, the developers of this product, developed a product with a clinically tested sensitivity reducing hexa-peptide amino acid sequence.
A majority of products that are currently located on the market for premature ejaculation offer herbal pills that get broken down by the digestive system or exercise programs which can take a long time to notice any visible results.
So you would be taking all these pills for months and months just to see very minimal results; can you say " Waste of Time".
But, this medicine is not like the competitors who claim there products work very quickly but you , the consumer, find out later that they were " full of it".
This all natural cream couples Peptide 171, an erection-enhancing ingredient, with Calmosensine, a skin-soothing compound.
Being absorbed immediately after application, This cream does not have any negative influence or side effects on the partners experience.
How to Ensure That You Obtain The Best Results Itrequires a simple application method that requires only a simple massage of 5 to 10 minutes with a small quantity of the topical cream immediately prior to the sexual intercourse.
This cream is a fast acting product that makes itself noticed from the first application, although, in order to benefit the most and achieve maximum possible control and peak sexual stamina, a recommended product usage schedule exists.
- Week 1: 4 applications; - Week 2 and 3: 5 applications each week; - Weeks 4, 5 & 6:6 applications each week; - Weeks 7 and 8: 5 applications each week; - Weeks 9 and 10: 4 applications each week; - Weeks 11 and 12: 6 applications each week; The application schedule was specifically designed just for this product to insure that you will get the optimal results in the least amount of time.
Furthermore, it is important to follow the steps correctly and accurately as possible, because it will help enhance the sexual control and stamina, although results will vary according to each individual's body constitution.
In order to obtain better results during intercourse and to better asses how fast the topical cream is absorbed into the skin Self-practice sessions are recommended .
It is absorbed very fast and acts immediately and the body's responsiveness will decrease with each additional application when applied according to the usage schedule.
As already mentioned in thisarticle, a 12 weeks usage is recommended for the best results but at least a 5 weeks period of treatment should be done consistently for overall success and more permanent results.
It has an ionized water-based formula which can typically be used safely with condoms but extensive tests to determine its effects on a condom's strength have not been done.
Let me make this clearthis cream IS NOT a contraceptive, it does not prevent pregnancy, and it can not prevent the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases and should not be used with any intent of accomplishing such.
Also, before performing oral intercourse, any unabsorbed residue should be wiped with a damp cloth because this cream is not intended for oral ingestion.
When using this cream you should follow the directed application schedule closely to insure that you get maximum results.
But as an overall cure to the problem of ejaculating to quickly, you should find Vivaxa significantly/sufficiently effective.
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