Wealth has been viewed from different perspectives and has been given different meanings and interpretations.
A politician may see it as a means to power and control.
Hence, he could engage himself in all forms of manipulations and pervasions to acquire it.
The highly moral and religious man might see wealth to be full of dirty and evil activities that separate him from the object of his worship.
On the other hand, a businessman may see wealth as the end result of a profitable business transaction.
Whatever it is that wealth means to you, the fact remains that wealth is desirable.
Everyone desires to become wealthy but very few know what to do to achieve this inborn desire.
Ironically, most of those who know how to become rich and wealthy, have not been able to find fulfillment in it.
They have thought that if they could have so much money, buy the most expensive cars, build the most beautiful houses, they would be fulfilled in life.
But unfortunately, they have been disappointed after acquiring all these.
This brings us to the conclusion that having so much money alone, does not bring fulfillment in life.
Wealth is a state of well-being in every area of your life that brings about fulfillment.
If you acquire so much money, and it does not bring you to a state of well-being in every area of your life, then you are far from being wealthy.
Everyone is designed to fulfil a purpose.
It is in fulfilling that purpose that you can find fulfillment and happiness If your so much money does not fulfil a valuable purpose, it would become meaningless and will not give you fulfillment.
Take time to discover whatever it is that gives you happiness and fulfillment, and pursue it.
It is in achieving it, that you can really become wealthy.
Wealth is not an end.
It is the means that leads to an end-the fulfillment of a purpose.
The earlier you realised this, the better.
This is why those who have acquired so much money without fulfilling any reasonable purpose became more miserable than they were.
Wealth is not all about money, cars, houses, etc.
It is a vision you you see, and equip yourself to achieve it, and become happy when you achieve it.
It is a problem you solve, and become rewarded for solving it.
You are equipped to solve a problem.
There is a deposit of abilities within you.
You need to refine this deposit into a desirable product- a skill.
People are going to need this product, and they are going to look for you.
And when you give them the product, they are going to willingly reward you.
This reward is going to enhance your state of well-being.
Henry Ford had a vision to solve transportation problem, and he set out to manufacture a car.
He was so captivated by this vision that nothing could stop him.
He fulfilled his purpose and at the end was adequately rewarded for it.
Your dream may not be to solve the transportation problem like Henry Ford.
But whatever it is, pursue it with all your heart.
It might even be to help someone else achieve his dream.
The major thing is that you are solving a problem some where, and you are being adequately rewarded for it, and your reward enhances your state of well-being.
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