Florida Residents may purchase in advance and saveover $40 off the full price admission with UPC code from any Coca-Cola®, Sprite®, or Coca-Cola Zero™ product or specially-marked cups from Burger King® restaurants.
For the discount, you will need a valid Florida I.D. and the Halloween Horror Night discounted ticket will be:
Sunday through Thursday $41.99
Friday night $51.99
Saturday tickets $66.99
The main restrictions for the Halloween Horror Night Florida Resident Special are:
- 24-hour advance purchase required
- Limit four tickets per can
- Must have UPC code from a Diet Coke or Coca-Cola Zero product
Page1 Halloween Horror Nights
Page2 On the Streets at Halloween Horror Nights
Page3 Halloween Horror Nights Haunted Houses
Page4 Halloween Horror Nights Shows
Page5 Pricing and Specials for Halloween Horror Nights