Society & Culture & Entertainment Arts & Crafts Business

How to Make a Paper Box Car

    • 1). Place a sheet of newspaper on a table. Stand the paper box on the newspaper. Close the flaps at the top. Tape the flaps closed with strips of masking tape. Turn the box over. Measure across the length of the box on the side facing you with a ruler. Make a dot at the halfway mark on the side of the box with a pencil. Measure from the dot to each end. Make a “X” at each halfway point with the pencil.

    • 2). Rotate the box 180 degrees and repeat this procedure. Poke a hole through each “X” with the blade of a utility knife.

    • 3). Run a plastic straw vertically through the two sets of holes.
      Apply white glue to the ends of the plastic straws. Place a model car wheel on each end of each plastic straw. Let the glue set for an hour.

    • 4). Tear a 1-inch strip of aluminum foil. Place the foil horizontally on the newspaper. Fold the top over to the bottom and smooth the crease. Fold the left side over to the right side and smooth the crease.

    • 5). Push the end of the pencil’s eraser against the aluminum foil strip at each end to make the headlights. Apply white glue to the back of the foil strip. Hold the foil strip horizontally. Press the foil strip against the left end of the box. Hold the strip against the box for a minute. Let the glue set for an hour.

    • 6). Cut a hole in the center at the top of the box with the utility knife. Apply white glue around the hole. Place an action figure in the hole with the head facing left toward the side where the “headlights” are. Hold the figure for two minutes so that the glue can take hold. Apply glue around the figure where it meets the hole. Let the glue dry for 10 minutes.

    • 7). Stand the plastic cup on a table. Place a model car wheel against the side of the cup facing you. Draw an outline around the wheel. Cut through the outline with the utility knife and pull the plastic out from the cup.

    • 8). Color the plastic on both sides with a black magic marker. Apply white glue to the end of a toothpick. Place the end of the toothpick that has the glue on it against the center of the plastic cut out. Hold the toothpick for a minute before letting go. Let the glue set for an hour.

    • 9). Apply white glue to a side of the toothpick. Place the side of the toothpick that has the glue on it against the top of the box so that the “wheel” is in front of the figure.

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