Have you ever wondered why Asian women have perfect skin? This is not by accident in that these women know some incredible Japanese skin care secrets that you are about to learn.
Asian women and men have smooth, youthful skin, often making them appear much younger than the numbers.
The secret - the Japanese use what is known as Wakame.
This Japanese skin care secret will allow you to achieve the same level of beautiful skin.
Wakame is actually brown sea kelp that has been used for thousands of years in Japan but recently, its secret has become known around the Western world.
For one thing, the Japanese consume kelp as a part of their regular diet.
Being loaded with needed minerals to include calcium, iron, potassium, and sodium, this is an excellent way to get great skin.
Interestingly, Wakame actually has 15 times the calcium than found in whole milk.
Wakame as a Japanese skin care secret is that while the mineral base is vital, it also has many of the B vitamins needed by the body.
Vitamin B helps boost energy while reducing inflammation.
This is also an ingredient high in antioxidants, a necessary element to good skin.
With age, free radicals in the body begin to cause damage, which then produces signs of aging.
However, with Wakame, free radicals are blocked and damage done actually reversed.
This is also an important compound that can create a barrier for the skin against harmful rays.
Although there are many secrets held by Asian cultures regarding health, wellness, and beauty, this Japanese skin care secret has probably been the most coveted.
Just imagine, having one ingredient that has minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, and even the ability to stop hyaluronidase, an enzyme known for wrecking havoc.
With hyaluronidaise, hyaluronic acid found in the skin begins to be broken down.
This acid, along with elastin and collagen are produced naturally within the body and needed to maintain firm and toned skin.
When this acid levels starts to decrease, the result is sagging skin.
The reason is that hyaluronic acid, along with elastin and collagen work as a team in holding the skin's fibers together.
Therefore, when a breakdown occurs, a person would begin to see sagging skin, lines, wrinkles, and even dark circles beneath the eyes.
Many years ago, Japanese companies made an astounding discovery when they realized that adding Wakame extract to skin care products also helped in improving skin from the outside.
Today, there are a number of quality products available in the United States that use this Japanese skin care secret.
In a concentrated form commonly referred to as Phytessence Wakame, you would find with consistent use, your skin begins to change and improve.
For your new 2009 skincare regimen, we strongly recommend you find natural products that contain Phytessence Wakame so you can recapture a youthful appearance and healthier skin.
Other products might contain a slight amount of this ingredient but you need something that has a high concentration so you get the result wanted.
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