- 1). Position the light string where you wish to install it onto the brick. If the light string will be hung high on the interior or exterior brick wall, position the string of lights on the ground/floor beneath the installation location. Make sure the light string you are using is appropriate for outside use if you are installing lights on exterior brick.
- 2). Check the length of the light string to ensure the plug reaches a convenient electrical outlet. Plug the light string in to be sure, or add an extension cord.
- 3). Have a helper climb a ladder or step stool and hold the light string in position.
- 4). Remove an adhesive circle from its paper or plastic backing and press the adhesive circle onto the brick beneath the vinyl-coated light string. Adhesive circles are double-sided and good for gluing thick or bulky items, according to Scrap Jazz. Adhesive circles are used in various crafts and in advertising mail, and magazines employ adhesive circle technology to glue samples and other features to pages. Adhesive circles range from removable crafting circles to permanent, industrial-strength varieties.
- 5). Press the vinyl-coated cord portion of the light string onto the adhesive circle. Space the adhesive circles about 4 inches apart.
- 1). Mix an epoxy that is formulated for adhering vinyl to brick according to the manufacturer's instructions. According to the Layman's Guide to Epoxy Coating Failures, don't choose a day with high humidity or rain to complete a project involving epoxy. The moisture in the air interferes with the epoxy's curing properties.
- 2). Position the light string, check the length of the cord, and have a helper hold it in place.
- 3). Squirt a dime-sized dollop of epoxy onto the brick beneath the vinyl-coated light string.
- 4). Use a toothpick to press the vinyl-coated light string cord portion into the dollop of epoxy. Hold the string in the epoxy for at least three minutes. Some epoxies take longer to set up. Epoxies are not full strength until they have cured or set overnight or for up to 48 hours.
- 5). Space the dollops of epoxy every 4 inches on the brick beneath the light string. Discard the toothpicks as they become too sticky and clumped for reasonable usage. Don't use your fingers.
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