Welcome to the rise of the metrosexuals.
Metrosexuals are not gay men.
But they are considered as experts in their approach to hygiene and physical looks.
They may even be more feminine than the regular woman.
Feminine as in more concerned and more meticulous.
Blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery is one kind of procedure that men nowadays fuss about.
Take heart though, eyelid surgery is not limited to cosmetic reasons as to why men participate in it.
Blepharoplasty, specifically upper blepharoplasty, can be functional too as it can help improve one's peripheral vision.
Still, eyelid surgery is still under cosmetic surgery.
And more often than not, men do it for aesthetic causes.
Like lower blepharoplasty for example, or the removal of eye bags.
Asian blepharoplasty Because of anatomical differences, East Asians mostly, are born with single eyelids thus producing a more narrow-looking eyelid opening.
Probably due to Western influences and culture, large eyes are deemed more beautiful.
Because of this, young girls and boys oftentimes look into the double eyelid surgery to widen their eyes.
[Of course if financial status allows as this does not exactly come cheap.
] Eye bag removal Lower blepharosplasty or eye bag removal is another option for men and women.
Excess fat is removed below the eyes so as to get rid of the excess baggage resulting to heavy or tired-looking eyes.
Natural looking eyelid surgery Because eyelid surgery falls under cosmetic surgery, men are still concerned if the artificialness of the surgery will be obvious.
It is very important for the patient to have natural looking eyelids after the surgery, otherwise the procedure will just shout fake all over the patient's face.
How does one achieve the natural looking eyelid surgery? Well, for starters, one has to look for a reputable cosmetic surgeon who has a lot of experience in that area.
Experienced cosmetic surgeons will know what kind of after-eyelids will fit the patient.
They can already picture how the patient will look like after the surgery.
Different surgeons have different techniques as to how to make a natural fold.
Obviously they must have studies dozens of faces already to conclude a perfect reconstruction for the patient.
Second, after surgery, it is important for the patient to get sufficient rest and take any medication advised by the doctor.
There might be swelling or bruising in the area so it is imperative that the surgeon's advice is followed.
Basically, before diving into eyelid surgery, the person needs to fully understand first what he is going into.
Eyelid surgery is mostly done due to cosmetic reasons (not really a matter of life and death).
Maybe not going through the procedure may be a good idea after all.
It is said that natural is beautiful.
Why achieve the natural eyelid surgery when you really don't need surgery at all?
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