Society & Culture & Entertainment Religion & Spirituality

The Source Of Kingdom Economics

If God is your source, then why are you struggling to make ends meet? Hes Jehovah Jireh, your Provider (Gen. 22:14)

The world is full of solutions like focusing on your wants and they will be attracted to you. Gods solution is very different. He says to focus on Him and then everything else will follow. He has a plan for you, and He wants you to be follow His strategy.

Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added to you. Take therefore no thought for tomorrow; for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof. (Mat. 6: 33 34)

The kingdom of God is His way of doing things. The Lord teaches to pray for both His kingdom and His will be done on earth, just as it is in heaven, where everything is perfect. (Mat. 6: 10)

His kingdom is already here through the blood of Jesus, and resides in your heart! (Luke 17: 21) His kingdom is based on the law of seedtime and harvest. A farmer prepares the soil, sows, waters and fertilizes his fields expecting a huge result from a small amount of seeds. Gods way is the same. Just like the farmer, you can trust the seed you sow into the kingdom to return 30-, 60-, and even 100-fold! The percentage depends on your faith and the degree to which you want to bless God back with it!

Jesus has given us the garment of righteousness. But you must choose to wear it, knowing that His blessings are rightfully yours!

Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. (Mat. 6:21)

He wants you to be completely whole; that means: nothing broken, nothing missing. But He wants to be bigger in your life than anything else. In other words you must not put the love of money, lusts and material things as a priority.

Are you giving Him your best time first thing in the morning in praise, thanksgiving and fellowship? Do you read and meditate on His Word to get direction and wisdom for the day at hand?

If your desire is to put God first and ask for His wisdom and provision, then He will supply all your needs and much more. Thats because its His character, His promise, and His blood covenant with you!

But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him. (Heb. 11: 6)

Now faith does not come instantly. You need to hear it, speak it and trust it over and over again. If God said it; then its so. Believe and you will receive! Faith means complete trust, where there is no question of doubt or worry. Thats why He wants you:

casting all your care upon Him; for He careth for you. (1 Pet. 5: 7)

The principal method of sowing seed into the kingdom is to give the tithe to the Lord. Ten percent of your gross income belongs to the Lord, for He is the one who provided it in the first place. Plant it into your local church where you are being fed the full gospel of God. If youre not in a congregation where the Word of faith is preached, then plant it in the fertile ground where you are being nurtured.

Remember, you give the tithe to God as an act of worship. Therefore, let Him lead you and give it with all your heart. Do this, even if you cannot make ends meet financially! That is the most important time to believe in Him for a plentiful harvest. Then God will:

pour out a blessing that there shall not be room enough to receive it and will rebuke the devourer for your sakes. (Malachi 3: 10 - 11)

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