In olden days the only way to check the level of oxygen in blood is to take blood from the artery and analyze it to find the amount of oxygen. It was not only time consuming but at times it can be dangerous as the oxygen level in patient may be much lower and have to be treated instantly.
Thanks to pulse oximeter, it is the best and easy way to measure oxygen level and treat the patient in distress with low level of oxygen. Previously pulse oximeter was commonly used in hospitals and emergency vehicles, as it became affordable people started to buy it for personal and home use. There are plenty of reasons to buy pulse oximeter and you will find few of them here.
Use of Pulse Oximeter Pulse Ox is a must for patients suffering from respiratory problems. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma, pneumonia, bronchitis and patients suffering from many other problems related to lungs needs immediate attention. In these patients pulse oximeter accurately measures the level of oxygen
Sleep apnea
It is a breathing condition that affects the sleep of the person. Airway gets blocked in sleep apnea patient and causes breathing difficulty. It usually occurs in obese or overweight patients. Oximeter device is highly helpful in these patients and the device alerts by giving alarm when the oxygen level goes down.
People going in high altitude including trekkers should have the pulse oximeter device. It will help them to check the level of oxygen and pulse rate regularly, in case if it is beyond the normal level then supplemental oxygen can be used.
Instant Result
One of the top benefits is the device is its instant result. Fix the probe to your finger and you will get results within a few seconds to minutes. It would help the doctor or paramedics to take precautionary measures immediately.
The procedure is completely non-invasive and there is no need to take blood from the artery. It is painless and the patient will not have any discomfort when measuring the oxygen level in blood. The device can also be used in infants.
The device is very much compact in nature and it can be carried anywhere without much difficulty. Just slip it into the backpack and take it wherever you wish.
Pulse Oximeter is a trustworthy device as it provides accurate results at all times. In the rarest case, if a problem occurs inside the circuit or device it gives false reading otherwise the device is highly reliable at all times.