Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

The top question of male fertility – how long can sperm live?

If you are going to conceive, you should really make sure you know how long can sperm live, so that the sperms can meet the ovum while active. Male fertility is defined by sperm count, sperm motility and morphology.

How sperm is produced
Our testis is responsible for producing sperm. It is actually a slow process that requires up to 90 days to generate a fresh batch of sperm. The newly produced sperm are stored in an organ called epididymis. Researches show that the activity of sperm reach its peak level at the third day after production.

The survival time
Sperms actually die within hour when it is outside the body. Moisture is the key of survival. When semen is exposed to air, it quickly dries and the sperm inside eventually dies. However, sperms can survive in Fallopian tube up to 7 days. So you can take 3 to 4 days as an average time.

Sperm's lifetime and fertility
The female body actually welcome the entrance of sperm for several days around the time of ovulation.

The cervix of women has a special fluid called cervical mucus. This mucus is very important in fertilization because the nature of the mucus can either block or promote the sperm through the cervix, reaching the egg.

During the days of ovulation, the mucus will become "fertile": more watery, and less acidic. After a menstrual period, the mucus go to an "infertile" mode, which is thicker and more acidic in nature.

Sperm do not survive in acidic environment, they are acid-haters. Instead, the fertile mucus promote sperm activity so that the chance of pregnancy gets higher.

An egg (ovum) is active for about 2 days, while healthy sperm may stay active for 3 to 4 days. In order to reach the highest success rate for pregnancy, you should plan your intercourse just before the ovulation of your partner.

Improving sperm count and quality for successful fertilization
Sperm count and quality can be easily improved by taking multivitamins and nutrients. Zinc and L-Arginine. These nutrients can promote sperm motility and improve sperm quantity.

Natural supplements are the best choice of sperm enhancement. Avoid any pharmaceutical boosters at all cost as they are simply artificial, chemically synthesized.

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