Business & Finance Stocks-Mutual-Funds

Investors Alert On Volume Superiors: Forc, Brgo, Jrrd, Cbai

PennystockWatchmanForce Energy Corp (PINKSHEETS:FORC) was among the volume superiors Thursday. Its volume was 59.99 million shares, while the average volume was much lower at 1.13 million shares. The stock sky rocketed +400.00% and finished the trading activity at $0.0150. FORC has filed Form 10-K with the SEC on February, 27 2013, regarding its annual report. The company reported in the filing that net loss of the Company was $1,072,264 for the year ended November 12, 2012, versus a net loss of $502,867 for the same period of 2011. For the year ended November 30, 2012, other expenses remained $341,484.

Bergio International, Inc. (PINKSHEETS:BRGO) has reported about the imminent increases in the works. BRGOs Chief Executive Officer, Berge Abajian, commented that the company had a very successful exhibition at Rendezvous Luxe Paris Fine jewelry show this year. This facilitates the company to initiate moving ahead into the European market. BRGOs volume of the prior session was 54.98 million shares, while the average volume remained 11.13 million shares. The stock showed an increase of +25.00% and closed the session at $0.001.

Journal of Radiology Inc (OTCBB:JRRD) gained superb volume in yesterdays session and the number of shares traded in the preceding day session was 52.59 million shares. The average volume of the stock remained 16.85 million shares. The market capitalization of JRRD remained 1.43 million. The one-month and 3-month trends were negative -77.14% and -99.06%, respectively.

Cord Blood America Inc. (OTCBB:CBAI) traded 46.67 million shares in the prior session, while the average volume remained 19.15 million shares. The market capitalization of the stock remained 1.15 million. The institutional ownership of the company remained 2%. The beta of the stock remained -0.77. The one-month and 3-month trends were positive +58.62% and +21.05%, respectively.

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