Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

How to Attract a Guy and Get Him to Ask You on a Date

You've had a crush on this cute guy in your office and you know for a fact he's still single but the only time he talks to you is when he wants to borrow your stapler.
If you can't take it anymore and you are no longer satisfied with just fantasizing about him then maybe it's about time that you step up your game.
If you want to get him to ask you on a date, you must first learn how to make him attracted to you.
You probably already know that making eye contact, smiling, being approachable and dressing attractively will catch a guy's attention so let's not go into that further anymore..
One thing that repels men big time is desperation.
Believe it or not, they can smell it! The good news is there are some things you can do on how to be a male magnet and before you know it, the man of your dreams is throwing himself at you.
The first thing you have to do is get rid of the "needy" vibe.
I think this comes from the panic that a woman is feeling when she is gravitated towards finding a man.
I think Paulo Coelho was right when he said "I think that when we look for love courageously, it reveals itself, and we wind up attracting even more love.
If one person really wants us, everyone does.
But if we're alone, we become even more alone.
Life is strange.
" It's sad but true.
So, how exactly can you avoid looking desperate? For one, you don't want to try too hard to impress a guy.
When you talk to a guy, just stay calm and resist the urge to sound too chirpy and please try not to talk too much even if your nerves is pushing you to.
Trick yourself into thinking that the guy you like is just one of your friends so you won't be nervous when he is around.
Don't freak out when there are awkward silences.
It is perfectly OK to pause when a conversation is going.
If you don't know what to say or if you are too nervous to say something sensible, just smile and make eye contact.
That's far better than blurting out the wrong stuff.
Ask any guy and they are going to tell you that they prefer women who know how to value all the other areas in their life (career, family, friends, and hobbies) just as much as they value the man in their life.
Open yourself up to new possibilities to make you a more interesting person.
This will definitely boost your self-confidence and make you more comfortable in social situations.
Now that you have the confidence, the next thing you need to take care of on how to get him to ask you on a date is to let him know you are interested in him and don't forget to give him the "green light".
Let him know that you are available but make sure you don't just blatantly say it.
Mention something about a single girls' party you've had with your friends recently.
If you know someone from his circle, you can ask about his hobbies and interests but don't tell anyone you've had a crush on this guy as this may ruin it for you and make everything awkward.
Ask him what he's doing over the weekend and when he tells you, pretend that you like doing that too or you've been dying to try that.
If he is interested in you, he is definitely going to ask you out.
Unfortunately, this will not work if you don't have common interests.
Don't stretch a lie and have him believe you are someone else because this will eventually backfire.

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