Society & Culture & Entertainment Religion & Spirituality

Law of Attraction

The law of attraction is what attracts things we want and don't want. We attract the people in our lives, the stuff in our homes and the money in our bank accounts through our thoughts and feelings. Do you remember a time in your life when you wanted something so badly that it consumed your life and over time you got that thing you wanted? Well that's the law of attraction. You have in fact attracted those things to you through your intentions and desires.

Law of attraction is based on the concept of like attracts like. If you send out negative thoughts and you are only focusing on the bad, you are attracting negative energy towards you. However, if you are sending out positive energy and focusing on what you desire, you will be able to attract good and positive things.

You have to believe with great conviction that nothing is too good to be true. If you ask for success and you prepare for failure, you will receive what you prepare for. You cannot get caught up in what appears to be a bad situation, you have to be able to see through that, and yes, it takes complete faith, but there is a light at the end of that tunnel.

Most people give up right before there desires are about to come true, because unfortunately it is easier to give up then see it through. So it's important that you impress the sub-conscious mind, by finding a affirmation (that is a positive statement) that clicks with you, so during those times when doubts start to creep in you can repeat it over and over again, pushing those negative thoughts away.

Try to stay calm during those times, when doubt creeps in. Mediation is great for that, because you become in tune with your mind and body. Remember your ship comes in under a calm sea. Clutter messes up the flow of energy, therefore leaving obstacles in your path. If you are able to cause all the elements and power in your being to work for the one thing you desire, you are most certain to get it.

Know what you want, and then want it with all the life and power inside you. Make your life and mind totally stimulated, Persistent want will achieve this. It is important that your desires are uninterrupted, unless you find that certain changes are essential to secure a better result in your mind.

You have to let go of the past disappointments because it's not apart of where you are headed now. Be wide-awake to your good and look at wonder, which is before you. And know there is a supply for every demand. . Every day decide whom you should serve fear or faith. Hopefully it will be FAITH!


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