Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

Tooth-Organ Relationship: Tooth 1 and 16 Upper Wisdom Teeth

Tooth number 1 is on the right side of the body and generally affects organs on the right side, while number 16 is on the left and generally affects organs on that side.
Sometimes there is a "bleed-over" that causes some pain on the left for a tooth on the right, for instance, or from the lower to the upper,but generally, the practitioner will need to know as nearly exact as possible which side has the pain or, in the case of wisdom teeth, whether it is anupper or a lower tooth.
You don't want to have a tooth pulled from the left side, for instance, if the one affected is actually on the right side.
The connections These two teeth also affect (or are affected by) the central nervous system and the limbic system.
They also affect the heart.
Vertebrae C1, C2, C7, TH1, TH5, TH6, TH7,S1, and S2 are connected to these teeth.
The Duodenum and terminal ileum are affected by these teeth.
Segments of the spinal marrow and dermatomes affected are SC1, SC2, SC8, STH5, STH6, STH7, SS1, and SS2.
The joints associated with the upper right wisdom tooth are sacro-iliac,foot, (plantar side), toes, hand (ulnar side), elbow (ulnar side), shoulder (ulnar side).
The joints associated with the upper left wisdom tooth are sacro-iliac,foot, (plantar side), toes, hand (radial side), elbow (radial side), shoulder (ulnar side).
Also affected by the wisdom tooth connection are the pituitary gland (anterior lobe), the inner ear, and the tongue.
Copyright 2005, Dennis Raney, USA.
This information is offered as educational information only.
It is not intended to be used by the reader as diagnostic data nor should any form of treatment be initiated based solely on the information contained here.
-- Dr, Dennis Raney, ND, author.

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