Technology has embarked much advancement in how businesses can be run. Indian
economy too has made great advance with the help of ecommerce and there is a special boom in IT industry in India with many developed nations looking at India for cheaper and apt IT solutions. Ecommerce solutions have taken the IT world in India to a new high with many countries looking Internet has made business easy with Ecommerce applications taking and making over the shopping experiences. Ecommerce has bridged the distances and made an international clientele possible right from your own office without having to
In India booking railway tickets online was the major breakthrough of Ecommerce a half decade ago. Then airways, bus tickets etc. followed. Ecommerce in broad terms includes buying and selling of goods and services over the Internet. Customers can purchase anything right from a phone to a house sitting comfortably in his room and even present it to someone located in geographically opposite location with a click of a mouse. Goods are
shipped for the goods ordered.
Ecommerce is an online platform or website to facilitate transactions between the buyers and the sellers without the actual hassle of any interaction or bargain or argument etc. After a seller registers himself with a particular Ecommerce website he can display information
regarding his product or services on that portal. Once a buyer registers himself with the e- marketplace he can have access to all the information he wants.
Another way to sell through Ecommerce is a have a website with your choice of products and services displayed in the design you like where buyers register and pay online to buy products or services.
There is a galore of software development companies in India who make web based Ecommerce applications in select technologies. Web application development is a niche area of Indian software companies and the world outsources such applications to Indian market due to the availability if man power. Indian economy has benefitted in last decade in terms
of revenue from Ecommerce.
To start an Ecommerce business is very simple and does not take long time like its physical counterpart. Everything here is virtual and does not require permits and licenses which otherwise would delay a business proposition.
E-Learning Solutions: Our proficiency in collaborating with our customers in order to maximize alignment of the learning objectives with their business objectives, and Instructional Design to deploy robust E-Learning Solutions facilitate implementation of appropriate solutions in content customization and selection of appropriate E-Learning tools and strategies as also scalable and transformed instructional methodologies for adaptive learning. Our capability in the area integrates E-Learning into their framework of Instructional Blueprint which allows multidimensional usage within the standards of globally accepted norms.New channels of instruction, global audience addressability, marketing segment targeting, and instruments of internal corporate training within an organization offered by Lava Infotech to its clientele indisputably reduces their reliance on individual instructional expertise. Richness of instruction using our skills in implementation brings along with it standardized methodologies of instruction, substantial reduction in time, and cutbacks in overall costs for our customers. In essence our solutions create wide-ranging business value.At Lava Infotech we take pride in building long-term valuable strategic relationships with our customers. We profess enviable record in repeat business - a major part of our revenue comes from existing customers which speaks of the trust we have gained over the years with our partners in delivering customized solutions to their satisfaction.Our clientele encompasses education, healthcare, technology, telecom, construction, media, retail, transportation, manufacturing, and industries.A passionate and visionary team of professionals collaborate at Lava Infotech, where an exemplary organization culture worth replication abounds them, to enhance the value of our partnerships thorough trust-building with our patrons. Proven industry best-practices proliferate all portions of our business which free up resources for supporting transformation and innovation-led growth projects for our clientele.
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