Even though HTML is an easy language I am not good at building websites.
I found this early on in my online career when I tried editing open source templates with the free HTML editor NVU.
What I needed to do was get sites up on the Net quickly so I could drive traffic to them and test my marketing methods and skills.
I needed to get my sites in Google's index and start seeing testing conversion rates.
As you know success is all about testing.
Time is everything and I didn't have the time to learn to use the editor effectively.
So, I made an investment decision and bought XSitepro 2.
Good choice on my part.
Not only is it cheap it does everything I need it to do as an affiliate marketer.
I have never used Dreamweaver or anything like that so I am not attempting to compare in this XSitepro 2 review only tell you what it does and why that benefits me.
I save a tremendous amount of time and effort as I can build sites in minutes.
I don't even have to think about it actually it is so simple.
There are plenty of templates available but I prefer to start with a blank.
To be honest this is a template too but with no graphics.
All you need to do is choose which panels you want to include, set their size and you are done.
With one click you can include a left menu, a right one, have both or your site or leave them out all together.
And if you come back to your site in six months and want to include a panel you left out, one click and it is done.
You format all the text and images in the panels with WYSIWYG editors.
Along with this it has a lot of built-in features that you would otherwise be tagging on somewhere or scrambling around trying to do separately.
You can create redirect pages to cloak affiliate links, you can create pop up windows, you can format video, it goes on.
The product has the tag line of "Total Site Management".
All the extras plus the built-in FTP program strengthen this claim.
If you want to build wild interactive sites with flash intros etc XSitepro may not be for you.
But if you are serious about Internet marketing and realize there are more productive things you could be doing than fiddling with scripts and code then it may suit you.
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