In case you've a congested restroom sink, you do not have to hunt for a plumbing professional to solve this issue. Free your blocked restroom sink by yourself. Read through this article to find out how.
Make use of de-clogging substances - De-clogging chemicals can be quite good at unclogging a drain. They function by dissolving the gunk which is trapped inside the pipes so they could be flushed away. So if you already have a box of de-clogging chemical compounds at home, make use of this or buy one from the supermarket. All you need to do is pour a tablespoon of the crystal product into the blocked drain. Then, wait for a few minutes to let the substances work on the clogged elements. You may then try to discover if the chemical was efficient by pouring adequate amount of water. If not efficient, try adding more chemical compounds and wait longer. You may then try executing the next step if the 2nd attempt with the chemicals was still ineffective.
Apply a plunger - To utilize the plunger, you should first stuff an old piece of rug into the overflow. This will prevent the force that comes from the plunger to escape. Then, get the plunger and fill your sink with just enough level of water so that the head of the plunger would be immersed in the water. After that, put the plunger head across the drain. Then, intensely pump the plunger quickly for around five to six times. This will forcefully drive water into the clog and try to drive the clog away. If the attempt is not efficient the first time, you could try doing it again a couple more before you move on to try the next step.
Eliminate the P-trap - In case the blocked material is located in the P-trap and it won't be freed with the two previous methods, you can manually take out the blocked materials. First, you have to eliminate the P-trap. Use a wrench to release the nuts which keep the P-trap in place. Make sure to have a bucket directly underneath the P-trap to catch the trapped water that will flow out of the pipes once the P-trap is loosened. And then, once the P-trap is removed, find out where the clog is and take this out. Flush the P-trap with water to thoroughly clean it and then return this back again under the sink.
Take the block using a plumber's snake - If you know of somebody with a plumber's snake, try to borrow this gadget. Otherwise, find a plumbing technician that you can rent a plumber's snake from. Make use of this equipment if the gunk is trapped above the P-trap. Remove the P-trap and feed one end of the plumber's snake to the opening of the water pipe. Keep putting the equipment until you reach a block, and then try to remove blocked gunk.
Bear in mind that de-blocking chemicals can corrode your water lines, especially if you regularly use it.