1Purchase a prong collar that has a swivel ring attachment. For an added measure of safety, thread a nylon collar through the links of the prong collar and attach it to the same leash.
Place the collar around your dog's neck by opening one of the links, placing it over your dog's neck and re-fastening the link. Slipping the collar over the dog's head is not the proper way to use a prong collar, and runs the risk of injuring the dog's eyes.
Adjust the collar so that it fits snugly, but know that you should be able to fit one finger between the collar and the dog's skin. Remove links if needed to get the proper fit.
Check with your veterinarian when first learning the placement and proper fitting of a prong collar. There are differing views on this subject, so it's best to seek the advice of a trusted medical professional.
Understand that when you are training your dog, all you should do to correct him is to gently tug the leash. The blunt prongs of the collar will pinch the dog's skin evenly around the neck when the collar is tightened.
Remove the prong collar from your dog when you are not actively engaged in a training session with him. Take the collar off the same way you put it on, and use a regular collar on the dog until your next training session.