Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Motivation For The New Year

As we await the arrival, with great anticipation, of another new year, it's only proper to remember why this is such a special occasion.
Everyone admires something that is shiny and new but that does not mean that we should forget to give due respect to things that have been around a while.
As this year draws to an end, it's a good time to do some reflection.
Take inventory on your accomplishments over this past year.
What resolutions did you commit yourself to, one year ago? Did you succeed in your quests? Did you have any stick-to-itness? With every new year, there is great hope to start anew.
It's like that fresh clean white blank page in your new journal, begging you for some words of wisdom to be placed there for posterity.
How wonderful it is that we are given a chance to basically start over again every 365 days.
Think of this as a time to also look back over this past year and reflect on what you attempted to do and your successes and failures.
You can potentially learn from both.
It is important to do this in order to learn and grow and improve.
What made you happy or sad or proud or frustrated? Where did you fail at something you tried to do, perhaps the failure was you never even tried.
Remember your successes, no matter how big or small, and celebrate them.
By doing this, you will have more of a game plan in place to tackle the new year.
Whatever your plan looks like, don't give up.
This is your self-designed road map of personal and/or professional wishes, dreams, goals and desires.
Use visualization when blocking out your year.
Remember it is not written in stone, so if something doesn't go the way you intended, you can easily revise it.
Don't give up on your path to fulfillment and push it aside this year.
Think of this as you driving down the road.
When you come across that pothole, you wouldn't stop the car and turn off the engine, would you? No.
You most likely would make an executive decision to alter your path a bit to get around it and carry on to reach your destination.
Have a wonderful holiday season.
Enjoy the sights and sounds and traditions of Christmas.
Take time to reward yourself for accomplishing great things to date.
Pamper yourself, you deserve it.
Relax and charge up your batteries with positivity.
Seek motivation, whenever and wherever you can and you will be inspired.
Then, look forward to the New Year with a renewed positive energy.
Dream, wish and plan for a great 2012.
Make a commitment to yourself that you will give it your best effort and success is sure to follow.
Have a very Happy New Year and may you accomplish great things!

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