Anemia is a condition at which in blood the content of functionally adequate red cells (erythrocytes) is lowered. The anemia develops owing to the varied reasons, accompanies set of diseases and frequently is only their symptom. Quantitatively it is expressed by a degree of reduction of concentration of hemoglobin – a ferriferous pigment erythrocyte, giving to blood red color. At diagnostics of an anemia it is necessary to consider normal fluctuations of concentration of hemoglobin depending on a sex and age.
The anemia arises in all the periods of human life not only at various diseases. Progress of an anemia can be connected with the climacteric period, hormonal infringements, character of a feed, diseases of a digestive path, a liver, kidneys, infringement resorption, autoimmune conditions, operative intervention and other factors. Quite often the anemia is an independent or accompanying symptom of many internal diseases, infectious and oncological illnesses.
Hematolytic anemia. Erythrocatalysis occurs under influence of antibodies. It can be the antibodies of mother directed against erythrocytes of the child at incompatibility of the child and mother on a Rhesus factor-antigene and much less often on antigenes of system AVO. Antibodies against own erythrocytes can be active at usual temperature or only at cooling. They can appear for no apparent reason or in connection with fixing on erythrocytes incomplete antigenes-hapten alien for an organism.
Aplastic anemia. Disease described by pancytopenia circumferential blood and reduction of a content of cells of a bone brain. It is connected basically with a cytopenia syndrome and depends on its depth.
Treatment of anemia
Therapy depends factors which have by nature caused an anemia. The best results are observed at introduction of separate missing substances, for example iron at iron-deficient anemias, vitamin B12 at pernicious anemias and a folic acid at aphthous cachexia (the disease, described by infringement of processes resorption in intestines and accompanied an refractory megaloblastic anemia).
The anemia caused by decrease of production erythrocytes and arising at such chronic diseases as a cancer, infections, an arthritis, to illness of kidneys and hypothyroidism, it is frequently poorly expressed and does not demand special treatment. Treatment of the basic disease should affect salutarily and an anemia. In some cases happens the cancelling of the preparations overwhelming hematosis, – antibiotics or other chemotherapeutic means is necessary.
Blood transfusions, as a rule, are shown only in the urgent cases requiring restoration of volume of circulating blood and quantity of hemoglobin, as well as at aggravations of a chronic anemia for the lack of other medical means. At heavy forms hematolytic illnesses of newborns for prevention of the jaundice, capable to lead to defeat of a brain (bilirubinic encephalopathies), apply exchange transfusion (replacement of blood of the child by the blood which is not containing the factor of destruction of erythrocytes). Blood transfusions are interfaced to a number of severe hazards, such, as sharp the hematolytic reactions of incompatibility leading nephritic insufficiency, virus infection of a liver (hepatites) and illness of adjournment of iron (bronzed diabetes).
At the some people with hematolytic conditions surgical removal of a spleen is needed; it is especially effective at congenital annulocyte anemias as leads to disappearance of all clinical symptoms though does not influence hereditary infringement of structure erythrocytes.
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