Healthful eating habits are usually formed long before little ones
start to select their own foods. Children adopt the eating
habits of their parents. Parents and child care providers
are the first role models that children encounter.
Children are excellent observers. When little ones see what
is going on in the kitchen, they can create an entire
dialogue with their invisible friend on how to fry french
fries or prepare a salad.
In several tests involving the eating patterns of little ones,
researchers observed that their eating habits, including preferences
for certain foods was linked to the patterns and preferences of their
As little ones go from from bottles to bacon, they start developing eating
patterns that follow them throughout their lives. Healthful eating patterns
that are started at a very early age will follow them through adulthood.
Since it is documented that eating healthy can prevent serious illness,
it is important that caregivers start giving a carrot stick or an apple for a
fun snack rather than a sugary snack. Children eat what they see adults eating.
Parents don't realize the major influence that they have over what their little ones
learn to eat. Following the eating patterns of little ones, research confirmed that the
attitudes about food are almost as genetic as the color of their eyes.
This fact puts a lot of stress on caregivers.
But understanding the far reaching implications of this study will result
in healthier kids and healthier caregivers.
Caregivers can relate to the fact that they associate both positive and
negative memories with food. When little ones are involved in fun activities,
they tend to be snacking on junk food. The food offered at the park is all about hotdogs,
ice cream and sugary snacks.
The smell of Grandma's cookies baking in the oven might evoke feelings
of love and security. While the smell of vegetables cooking might invoke a negative
memory of having to clean the plate of vegetables before getting dessert.
Bribing a kid to eat nutriously is a short term strategy that will usually backfire.
"These contingency strategies are effective in the short run; they elicit the correct
response, says Dr. Fisher, Ph.D, assistnant profession of Pediatrics at Baylor College
of medicine. In a study published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association,
Dr Fisher made a direct link to the eating patterns of children and their parents.
Dr. Fisher and her researchers made some fascinating discoveries concerning the
eating patterns of little ones. The kids of caregivers who ate lots of fruits and
vegetables in turn had little ones who also ate the same kinds of foods. Whereas,
caregivers who only allowed healthy consumption but led an unhealthy eating lifestyle,
had little ones who ate low intakes of fruits and vegetables.
Children will respect and react to the power of influence. Because
nitritious eating patterns are as important for parents as it for the children,
the commitment to eating healthier will be easy.
The moral of the study is that if you want your little ones to follow healthy
eating patterns, the general rule is you must show them - don't just instruct them.
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