A better standard and balanced eating foundation is the idea behind the healthier Atkins Diet, proving better than that of the American standard diet.
It believes in utilizing and balancing good carbohydrates along with an adequate amount of protein.
This is a real contrast to what Americans tend to eat on their daily diet.
American's tend to eat a lot of processed food that has hidden sugars along with a very high amount of processed carbs.
This helped paved the way for Americans having pre-diabetic or diabetic related conditions.
The sad part is though, diabetes has a well known set of predictable stages and are very easily recognized.
On the way to diabetes you encounter something which they refer to as glycemic index.
This is how they rate all carbohydrates and their insulin level reaction that they produce.
If a food contains a high amount on the glycemic index rating it will cause the pancreas in releasing a large amount of insulin in order to help break down those sugars and carbs (which will produce a lot of glucose).
Most American's east a diet that ranks very high on this index since they contain foods high in refined sugars and carbohydrates.
Since our bodies will function a lot more efficiently when we are in youth, the youth are easier in digesting these foods.
Weight gain or mood swings may have been a side effects of eating such foods, however they did not stand out.
When we start to get older, the symptoms will begin to be more prevalent and show more.
Our nation's obesity epidemic comes from a result of the high-carbohydrate foods and diets that we intake, causing instability in our blood sugar levels.
Some overweight people can also be resistant to insulin, meaning that their insulin isn't doing the job it is meant to do,l taking the glucose out of the blood stream.
This causes the pancreas to overwork and release too much insulin, up to twenty times over what the body requires.
This makes blood sugar drop to a very low level.
Setting off the chain reaction in our bodies that makes a release of adrenaline in order to help correct that blood sugar issue.
When we age, the insulin and blood sugar issues become aggravated easier.
This is known as "hyperinsulism" and is what we call the precursor for the type II diabetes.
This condition is usually accompanied with high triglycerides and high blood pressure.
If you eat a high-carb diet for so many years, you will become a diabetic.
Since insulin is your body's main fat maker and being overweight or heaving those extra pounds on you is what usually comes along with the late onset diabetic condition.
If conditions in pre-diabetes is not treated correctly and effectively it could lead you to having diabetes indefinitely.
There are early warning signs that will appear early if you are aware of them.
Your physician can order insulin level blood work and tell you if you're a risk for the pre-diabetic condition.
Studies have shown that a low-carbohydrate diet can help, like the Atkins diet.
Controlled blood sugar is the best, most effective ways in controlling your pre-diabetic condition.
Since Atkins diet will help you control blood sugar, it will help with controlling pre-diabetic conditions.
It has a combination of fats, proteins, as well as good carbs that will help you satisfy our body without the ups and downs of sugar roller coaster.
In helping and limiting the insulin spikes you need to control the quantity of carbs and the types of carbs as well.
This allows the pancreas to work the way it was supposed to and along the way bring down the chances of you developing any of the pre-diabetic conditions.
Left unchecked, although a vicious cycle, can tend to lead you to diabetes later on in your life.
Following the Atkins diet will help your body produce stabled blood sugar though the day and help keep you off that road to diabetes.
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