Possibly, one of the biggest issues that destroys our image and breaks down our confidence is the padding that we carry around our waist.
Some of us refer this padding as tummy fat; others like to call it the beer gut, the jelly, the spare tire or pot belly.
Regardless how you name the fat around the abdominal area, it is a serious health issue.
Health professionals and scientists actually call this fat 'Visceral' fat and according to the scientific research accumulation of this type of fat could be lethal.
The tummy fat is the fat that is metabolized by the liver that turns into cholesterol.
The cholesterol produced in the body than enters into our blood stream and circulates in our body via our arteries.
If you are carrying the belly fat and continue to carry this for prolonged periods of time, the increased level of cholesterol eventually creates a dangerous plaque level in your arteries.
Due to the plaque built up in the arteries, people with 'belly fat' are likely to suffer heart disease, diabetes, stroke and hypertension.
You cannot lose tummy fat by using abdominal work-out exercises or abdominal work-out machines.
But you can achieve results by combining a set of abdominal muscle (core muscle) exercises with a well established fat-burning diet.
The endless sit-ups that you would conduct could not help you to reduce the tummy fat; such exercises on the other hand would tone and firm your abdominal muscles while still keeping the fat around them.
The firmed muscles would also not be visible until you destroy the fat around your belly.
If you cannot get rid of the underlying issue of your tummy fat, you should expect limited achievement.
A recommended approach to reduce tummy fat is as follows:
- Don't starve yourself and identify how you could achieve a balanced diet,
- Identify an exercise system that combines strength building and aerobics,
- Drink lots of water and keep yourself hydrated.