- Nail pops are very common. A nail pop will look exactly like its name, a nail popping out. The nail will be pushed forward out of the drywall, and sometimes bits of paint will be missing, or you will see a small raised section of wall in a circular pattern. While this generally happens to walls held up with nails, it can also occur when screws are used.
- Friction is what holds a nail in place. The nail uses friction between itself and the wood to stay in place. Due to this, overtime nails come loose, or back out. In regards to drywall, the nail then pushes out the plug of wall and plaster that is covering it up. This creates the popout look on the wall. Nails will create a bigger circle, about the size of a silver dollar, than a screw, which creates a pattern about the size of a dime.
- If a nail pop occurs the fastener has to be driven back into the wall, but tighter. Nail patch or filler must then be used to cover the indentation the nail has left. The next step is to prime and paint over the nail fill. Many people wait to do this when they paint the room again.