Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

Original Ways to Ask a Girl to Prom

    Woo Her With a Window Serenade

    • Serenading your would-be date under her window while she's home studying or hanging out with friends is a charming proposal that she won't be able to resist. You can create your own romantic or funny song about prom, or sing her favorite love song and end it with a prom proposal. To make the gesture even more romantic, bring a single rose to hand her once she says yes. Be sure to share your plan with your would-be date's parents so that they are expecting you. You can even request that they notify you when she's in her room.

    School Sporting Event Announcement

    • Surprising your would-be date with a prom proposal over the loud speaker at a school sporting event is a romantic gesture that can both have her excited to say yes, and make her the object of envy amongst her friends. You can prepare a simple proposal to be read by an announcer before the game or during half time, or you can request to make the proposal yourself. If you are allowed to take the mike yourself, incorporate the request into a charming prom joke or funny prom poem, or simply say a few sweet words, then pop the question.

    Ask Her With Shoe Polish

    • Ask your would-be date to prom by shoe polishing a sweet message and request on her car windows before school. You can write a short, charming prom poem or simply ask for her to join you with the phrase "How about prom?" Extra embellishments such as romantic doodles or funny prom quotes can add creativity, but be sure to avoid overcrowding the windows as it can inhibit her visibility. Shoe polish comes in a variety of colors and can be purchased at shoe care suppliers and some fabric stores. It is a good option as it is easy to wash off -- be sure that your window decorations are only temporary.

    Decorate Your Would-Be Date's Locker

    • Decorating the object of your affection's locker with streamers, small balloons and a sign asking her to prom is a charming proposal that you can set up before school or during your lunch or study period. Your sign can have a simple message asking her to prom, or you can create a funny or romantic poem to add uniqueness. Be sure to prepare the materials and sign at home ahead of time to help ensure that you can set up the display in a hurry and avoid getting caught.

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