Are you thinking about getting back together with ex bf? Do you miss the guy you broke up with, and now that you're apart you can't seem to function? Are you just a little happy to be single again, and you wonder whether getting back together would be a good thing, or a terrible mistake? People get back together all the time.
Here are some tips for helping you to decide whether getting back together with ex bf is worth the trouble.
Why Is He Your Ex? As you decide whether or not to get back together with ex BF, stop to think about why he is your ex.
Be honest with yourself as you examine the way your relationship went.
Certainly, every relationship has its ups and downs - and in your case, were there more ups, or more downs? If something absolutely deal breaking happened to split the two of you up, what are the odds something like that could happen again? Did you dump him in a fit of rage, or did he break up with you and now he wants you back? Would you be happier starting a new relationship with someone else, or is your ex really your soulmate? When It's Good, It's Great When you break up with someone, it is common to think about the good times the two of you had together, and miss the special moments you shared.
Most couples have secret languages, and they tend to be able to communicate with very little actual speaking.
This is a form of intimacy that takes time to build up, and it can feel good to be with someone who seems to know you inside and out.
Maybe breaking off your relationship was a big mistake.
When It's Bad, It's Awful Some couples spend an amazing amount of time arguing and picking on each other.
If you are thinking of getting back together with ex BF and the two of you were a couple like this, spend some time evaluating whether you really were happy.
Are you happier in some ways now that the two of you are apart? Do you feel a sense of freedom and happiness that you haven't felt in quite some time? Do you have more peace in your life? If you answer yes to these questions, then you might be better off without him.
Betting back together with ex BF in cases like this could be a huge waste of time and effort.
He Wouldn't Commit, and You Want To! If you broke up with a guy who wouldn't commit, mostly because he wouldn't commit, and now he wants you back, think about why this is happening.
Has he really had a change of heart, or are you going to remain uncommitted once again? Getting back together with ex BF in cases where a lack of commitment was involved can be a real roll of the dice.
If you are considering taking him back, be sure to talk with him about what happened.
Breaking up might have been exactly what you needed to do to get him to realize exactly why he ought to finally commit! Of course, these are just a few examples - whether they pertain to your situation or not, be sure to give plenty of thought to whether getting back together with ex BF is going to be beneficial to the progress of your life - and make the decision that suits you best.
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