You might have heard of people with different kind of disorders like allergies, Behavioral disorders, chromosomal disorder and many other. Bleeding disorder(hemophilia) is one of the types of chronic disorder that we will discuss here in this article. But, before that, let us know what is disorder? And then what is hemophilia?
Disorder is when something is not in order or when something is not as it is suppose to be. For example, A person suffering from sleeping disorder may find it difficult to sleep or may sleep most of the time. In this case the sleep is not in regular or normal. Similarly, few people may have bleeding disorder called hemophilia.
What is hemophilia?
It is a bleeding disorder in which it becomes difficult to stop bleeding during any injury, whether internal or external. In this, blood does not clot in a normal time or take longer time to clot. That is, the person has poor blood clotting. It may occur at a regular intervals or may be caused more often in severe cases.
When it takes more time for blood to Coagulate or to clot, then the person is said to have bleeding disorder. This happens in the person who have low platelet counts or proteins. As the platelets, proteins and other clotting factors react together to form blood clot.
Some of the various symptoms of hemophilia are excessive or easy bleeding, nose bleedings etc. some of the risks involved in this disorder are vision loss when bleed into the eye, anemia, psychiatric problems or even death, if, blood is lost in huge amount.
Causes of hemophilia are liver disease, bone marrow problem, blood cancer, low immune system, antibodies, excessive use of medicines like aspirin, which is actually used in case of breaking the unusual blood clots.
This disorder is found mostly in men. The reason behind this is that there is a difference between a male chromosomes and female chromosomes. Wherein, women have a pair of X chromosomes, whereas, men have one X and the other Y. Hence, females rarely face this disease, whereas, she may acquire it by a defective gene or by mutation. This disorder can be detected during childhood itself.
One should get this disorder diagnosed as early as possible and should get its treatment done. One can either opt for demand therapy, which is done on demand, when bleeding occurs. The other procedure is of Replacement therapy, which is done at regular interval. If this disorder is not treated then one may have joints and muscle pain and redness on joints.
There are some non-profitable foundations that work to help people suffering from this disorder. You can search for them online. Hemophilia Non-Profit Donations are the donation made to help people suffering from this disorder. One can donate to help people and help them live a happy life.
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