As the tenth installment in the Zelda video game series, Wind Waker follows the storyline of about 100 years after Ganon's defeat in Ocarina of Time.
The setting is unusual for the series: a group of islands scattered at sea.
Ganondorf is the evil nemesis Link must battle while trying to assemble the Triforce in order to defeat him.
This requires much island walking, sea travel, dungeon traversing and use of the magical Wind Waker baton.
Here's a summary of part one.
Aryll Kidnapped The game opens with Link celebrating his birthday at his home on Outset Island with his grandmother and sibling, Aryll, on the vast Great Sea.
He receives both an emerald suit and Aryll's permission to use her telescope.
(Don't worry - the story picks up dramatically from here.
) As it turns out the emerald garb is a common gift for Outset Island boys who come of age.
Their elders give them these suits in hopes of instilling the courage of the legendary Hero.
Great Sea legend has it that a boy became the Hero of Time by rescuing Hyrule Kingdom from Ganon and sealing out the evil with the Master Sword's Blade of Evil's Bane.
Now it's time for gracious sister Aryll.
(Everyone needs a younger sister this generous.
) But it's this seemingly insignificant rite of passage for the young Link that sets him on the course of his challenging voyage.
While looking through the telescope, he sees a girl being carried off by a large bird.
Of course, it is against Link's nature to be an onlooker in this type of situation, so he valiantly rescues the abductee (who turns out to be Tetra, the pirate captain of a ship).
Unfortunately, for Link things go awry when the bird retaliates by kidnapping Aryll! The valorous duo sails to the Forsaken Fortress where Aryll is being held along with some other girls by a mysterious figure.
After an unsuccessful raid, Link and Tetra are rescued by a talking boat, the King of Red Lions, who informs them that the evil Ganon is back and running the Fortress.
Link must find courage.
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