Health & Medical Body building

Muscle Building Foods - Make A Healthy Choice For Life

Muscle building foods can provide you with muscle mass and superior health for a lifetime.
There are many health benefits, more than you might imagine.
These benefits affect different aspects of your health, but mostly have to do with a boost to your metabolism, that counters the aging mechanism of losing muscle bulk, and gaining weight more easily.
Outlined below are a few of these excellent ways that maintaining muscle mass will help keep you healthy.
Most importantly, if you have chosen to build muscle mass, whether you are younger or perhaps over 40 or over 50, it is a given that you have given up junk foods, frozen processed foods, and drive-through fast foods.
You simply can not eat these types of meals except on a very occasional basis, and have the muscle building process working in your system.
And good for you! You are organized and a good shopper already, if you are selecting healthy proteins for creating or maintaining strong muscles.
The second way to increase your muscle fiber bulk is to make sure you are taking enough vitamin B6, vitamin B12, and Folic Acid.
These vitamins often are combined into one formula for your convenience.
Even easier to take, a sublingual, or under-the-tongue pill version can be found if you feel like you are swallowing too many pills in a day.
The importance of theses vitamins is in the conversion of homocysteine - the amino acid from eating protein - to the amino acids that add to muscle fibers.
You get two more important health benefits from taking theses vitamins.
Homocysteine needs to be converted, because it irritates the blood vessels and arteries if the amount builds up in the blood.
This can lead to blood clotting and heart disease, or stroke.
So you decrease the levels of homocysteine by ensuring the presence of the right vitamins to perform the conversion process.
Secondly, vitamin B12 especially has been associated with healthy brain function as you get older.
Senior dementia, it is speculated, is associated with a vitamin B12 deficiency.

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