We all start out with big dreams or ideas.
When I was 6, I announced that I was going to be a ballerina.
Right, every little girl dreams of that.
Except I actually did it, with the help of my parents and many talented teachers.
Did I dream I was later going to be a receptionist in a dental office? Heck no! But that actually happened too, when I gave up on my dream and fell into living without intention.
I say fell because that's what it felt like.
Falling, out of control, no dreams, no intention.
Back then, I gave up dancing (due to injuries and other circumstances), and settled for a life that included no creativity.
Why am I sharing this? Because, I don't want it to happen to YOU.
Eventually, I got married, and had a baby.
At that point I was deeply unhappy in my job, marriage, and place where I was living.
I was depressed and anxious all the time.
I was not being creative, which is what I now realize is what I was born to be.
Long story short, I had a massive anxiety attack one night- worst night of my life.
In the morning, I knew something had to change.
So, I finally got some therapy and began to climb out of the deep hole.
Not long after that, I went to a show at the local art museum and saw a huge show of Kaffe Fasset's work.
It was cold and grey outside, but inside--oh my! The color, color, color everywhere!! I opened my eyes and found my second passion- fiber arts.
Needlepoint, knitting, quilting, etc.
Slowly, I started coming back to life as I explored all these art forms.
I realized I was most happy when I was making things of beauty and luxury.
Jack pot! I had found my second calling.
That was in 1998 and I have been making fiber art ever since.
So, all this to say, if you have a dream or something you love to do, give yourself permission to explore it.
I almost didn't, because it wasn't "practical".
But for me, it was a matter of life and death, and I'm not just being dramatic.
I hope this long tale has been helpful.
Dream, set your intentions, and most of all, GET HELP- no one can do this by themselves (tried that, didn't work!).
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