This is not going to be a tutorial on how to build muscle.
This is simple going to explain why most people continue to find the great ways to do it and come up empty.
I will also tell you about a simple way to locate the tried and true information on how to build muscle that really works for others.
If you are like most men on the web (and I was included), you are using a search engine to find ways to get bigger.
While this is an easy way to pull up tons of information on how to build muscle, it's also the reason most men get confused and start trying random techniques and ways of doing it.
Sure, you might find a diamond in the rough and find workouts, diets and other things that work, but most men will not.
What if there was a way to find out "exactly" what other men have done to get bigger? Wouldn't that be a better way to make an informed decision when wondering how to build muscle? It sure would and most of this knowledge can be found on various internet forums.
You can even find a bunch of forums which hare solely dedicated to getting bigger.
These are breeding grounds of knowledge.
Remember, for every one person (which I assume is you) looking for info on how to build muscle, there are ten who have already found the exact ways that work.
You can find a lot of their stories (and endless tips!) inside of these forums.
If it is working for them, it can surely do the job for you.
If anything, it beats trying random ways that you pull up in search engine results that you have no clue about.
It's just something to consider when looking for tried and true knowledge on how to build muscle and get to where you want to go.
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