There was a very interesting concept which was created by DARPA which turned the folding of proteins and organic material at the micro-scale into a computer game.
It was something that people could play online, and what they discovered was that through this crowd sourcing they came up with all sorts of new innovations.
I'm sorry, but that's one of the most incredible things I've ever heard of, and I just can't get over it.
Okay so let's talk about this shall we? What they also found was several savants accidentally - who by the way were quite excellent at playing the game and folding of proteins.
That's interesting isn't it? The other day, I was talking to an artist who had a set of drawings, many of which looked as if they were sketches folded upon themselves.
This made me wonder if perhaps we could take words, drawings, pictures, and fold them upon themselves several times almost like wrinkling a piece of paper or rolling it up, and then asking kids and young adults to look at it.
Have them tell us what the original picture was, or what the words say when it's folded back into position.
There's no way they'd know unless their minds could unfold it and visualize it in real time.
You see my point here? We might also find all the people that have other similar Savant like tendencies, such as those that can look at something for 30 seconds, and memorize it forever, such as a whole page of text, and a memorize it as a picture.
In that case it might take them a few minutes, or it might take them until the next day, but they can come back and have that design unfolded in their mind, give you an answer, whereas the Savant could probably do it almost immediately.
In a way, this could be similar to the ink blot psychological test introduced by Rorschach.
It seems to me we are far too good at finding disorders which are negative, but we don't seem to be very good at picking out the superstars with a super brains, yes, sometimes we do it we recognize it, but sometimes they slip through the cracks, and many are mislabeled.
That's a travesty.
Could such a test work? After thinking about this concept for the last couple days, I'm almost certain it would, I almost don't see how it couldn't, and therefore I thought it was apropos to bring it to your attention via this online article.
Indeed I hope you will please consider all this and think on it.
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