- One idea is to write about the current issues that pertain to the 21st century workforce in America. In the paper you should talk about the relevance of a college degree as an avenue to a rewarding career and whether it is still necessary in order to enter the workforce. Also discuss the ways in which elementary and secondary schools can effectively prepare their students for a more globalized and technologically-driven workplace. You can find articles from newspapers, books and general interest magazines that pertain to this issue.
- Another idea is to write a paper that explores the views men have about modern feminist issues. You can examine whether today's generation of men holds to a more pro-feminist view of women's issues than men in previous generations, and if so, discuss the ways that men today are expressing this. Also get some books from the library that focus on modern feminism from men's point of view, and if possible, you can interview some male relatives and get their views on this subject.
- Another idea is to write a paper about the struggles of homeless veterans and what public policies are currently in place at the federal and state levels to effectively help them locate employment, decent housing and quality healthcare. You can get an inexpensive voice recorder, visit your local Veterans Administration hospital and talk with some veterans who are currently homeless about their situations. Also visit the library and print out some articles from newspapers and journals that pertain to this issue.
- In light of the election of our nation's first African-American president three years ago, you can write a research paper that examines the impact that minority politicians have on their own communities and American politics in general. Mention whether the election of minority politicians at the local and state levels in recent years has translated into greater equality for minorities in general and, if not, state the ways in which that isn't the case.
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