- 1). Move the car out of the garage. Apply a 1-inch layer of kitty litter over any fuel spills on the garage floor. Wait 30 minutes for the kitty litter to absorb the fuel and its odor. Sweep the kitty litter into a metal container with a lid and discard. The fuel-infused kitty litter is flammable, but the metal container keeps it from igniting.
- 2). Mix 1/2 cup chlorine bleach with 1 gallon warm water. Scrub the walls and floor to remove oil and gasoline residues. As oil and gasoline products decompose, they create odor that chlorine bleach can eliminate. Rinse well with clean water and avoid tracking it in the house where it may discolor carpets. Keep the garage door open for ventilation.
- 3). Clean and organize all work spaces, placing tools well out of the reach of children. Wipe down all surfaces and sweep up any dust or dirt.
- 4). Install an exhaust fan in the garage. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency recommends a continuously running model that moves 50 cubic feet of air per minute (CFM), or an intermittent model that runs for 20 minutes every time the garage door is opened or closed at a rate of 100 CFM per car. An exhaust fan cuts down on odors as well as toxic fumes.
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