Hajj is one of the five pillars of Islam. It is compulsory on every able Muslim to perform Hajj once in his or her life span. Capabilities mean that he must be able to pay for Hajj both bodily and fiscally.
Islam is a faith based on mercy and sympathy. The knowledge of Islam, protect the weak and the weak. It has a detailed purpose of protecting the respect of women, their pride and specific intention of protecting the honor of women, their dignity and standing which is why the prophet (peace be upon him) forbade women to travel alone and without someone to protect them. The factual intention of this ban is safety and protection; women are permitted to travel in a safe company accompanied by elders and trustworthy Muslim men and women.
The first thing is that who is a Mahram. A Mahram is a male family member with whom she is permanently prohibited to marry because of blood ties or ties throughout the wedding. This contains more than a few relations other than her father, grandfather, stepfather, brother, husband, son, grandson, son in law, uncle, nephew, father in law and male with whom she has shared a mother's milk are Mahram for a female according to Islam.
and all other associated expenses and are able to physically bear the travel must present Hajj. Umrah, on the other hand can be present any times in a year during one's life span and is not obligatory. Men and women from all over the world desire to perform Hajj and Umrah once in their life time.
There are varied opinions about women going to Hajj and Umrah with or without a Mahram by choosing special umrah packages london. Some scholars are of the vision that Hajj is not compulsory for a Muslim woman is she does not have a Mahram, even if she can pay for the trip. Some scholars consider that women who do not possess Mahram and are able to afford the expenses, and then they should support some else to do Hajj in their place.
According to the current Saudi system and policy a female under the age of 45 years cannot go for Umrah till she is accompanied with her Mahram when selecting cheap umrah packages London service. All information about the association between the two should be provided with the applications. If a woman is 45 years old or elder then she can go without a Mahram only if she is Objection Certificate as of her Mahram.