Society & Culture & Entertainment Religion & Spirituality

The Story of Chosun, Part 12

Soon we move into the 15th century with our story of Chosun.
You will recall that the final, and longest, of Korea's dynasties has been put in place, from the clan of "Yi", translated sometimes "Lee" in our part of the world.
Chosun (or Joseon), "morning calm" is the name given to the territory now, hence, the "Yi Chosun" dynasty is the proper reference to these years, 1392-1910.
The enemies and potential enemies of Chosun hang around.
The Mongols and Yujin stay put in the northernmost provinces.
So also the rising power of Ming (China) is represented there.
But restrictions are placed on the (Buddhist) priesthood, and protection is beefed up at all the ports.
Yi Tago gets things started well.
For awhile, the Royal Court moves to more comfortable Kaeson (Today Kaesong, in southern North Korea, the one major city that switched sides due to the Korean War.
) Tajo's son Chonjong is his successor, and during his reign feudalism is ended in Korea.
Still, he is an unpopular king, and in 1400 the people clamor for his brother Tajong.
Chonjong abdicates.
Shortly after this change of power, land is taken from Buddhist monasteries and given to the people, as that religion is allowed for a time to decline.
This particular king refuses even to bow to Buddha.
Not a bad sign, if only there were a proper Personage to accept this honor.
It won't be long now...
In 1413 a national drought among other things causes the King to come against exorcists and fortune tellers.
They are banned and their books are burned.
Another welcome signal...
The year 1419 brings Tajong's retirement, and the coming to the throne of fabled King Sejong who in 1436 stops the ravages of the northern tribes, to the extent that southerners can be brought to that area, Hamgyong province, to settle.
But that for which he is most remembered is the creation of a simple -by Asian or most other standards -phonetic alphabet.
With the number of characters nearly the same as our English counterpart, Sejong is able to bring all of the classics of Korean literature easily within reach of the common man.
Imagine the relief when Chinese, with its thousands upon thousands of individual characters, the scholar's language, but the only one available, is suddenly replaced by this simple communications tool.
Hangul has persisted to our present time.
It is the language that even I have attempted to learn.
I will not even guess what I'd be doing with Chinese at present, or what it would be doing with me...
In the next installment, Chosun moves into what is called its "Golden" Age.
But one can only speculate how golden would be Korea's past had Christ been given His proper place in the ways of kings and people.
Only speculation now, but with your continued prayer, Korea can yet achieve God's desired place for it, namely that place deep within His heart.

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