There are outdoor adventurers who love enjoy their nature walks, mountain hikes and overall recreational adventures. They love to get away from city life and take some beautiful camera shots, also they enjoy listening to their ipods, sharing photos via Facebook connect and many other things to make their time even more enjoyable. One of the things though that hinder going further sometimes is their lack of portable power. In this post we will list some of the best solar chargers for hikers and provide some links as well for your convenience.
The first solar charger we will briefly cover is the Nomad 7M Solar Panel. It powers 7 watt devices like cell phones, gps units and ipods. It is foldable, lightweight and affordable. If you plan on charging your camera batteries, then owning this would not be a smart idea because the charge time could take up to 8 hours if not longer because it only provides up to 7 watts of power. If you have a camera battery that is 7 watts or less, this would be perfect.
The next solar charger that hikers would be more inclinded to purchase is the Sherpa 50 Adventure Kit. It can be powered by the sun or wall adapter and can charge most laptops. One thing that retailers and the manufacturer suggest is to purchase the Universal Inverter, because having to hook up existing alligator clips to another inverter can be a pain and not properly connected which can cause bad functioning. Especially if you are walking up and down hills, running or move your body around a lot.
Another solar charger is more for your outdoor enjoyment is the Sherpa 120 Explorer Kit. It is a bit pricy and they offer a Sherpa 120 Adventure Kit in case you already have an inverter. But the thing that hikers and mountain climbers rely on is dependable power that works quick and can withstand cold and hot temperatures. You charge much more than just cell phones and ipods because it provides up to 120 watts of power. If you plan on hiking and camping out in those extreme climates then having as much portable power as possible is the best thing you can do for yourself. You would be able to heat a hotplate, charge a laptop, bring a portable heater and much more.
Some more solar chargers that consumers are considering is the K3 charger, it is lightweight and can be charged with 3 different forms. One is the solar and the next is the wind and lastly, the internal battery. It can charge only small devices like cell phones and mp3 players. Many hikers still don't know about this exact unit because it released last year. There are some issues with the charger like the charge times take a bit longer and it is recommended that you power the internal battery in case you immediately need a charge.
If you plan on purchasing a solar charger for hiking, these all have been tested to work in hot and cold conditions. They all use the mono-crystalline solar panels which are the most efficient solar cells in production. You can always check out the reviews for these products, but most of these solar chargers are developed from outdoor adventurers that understand the out door conditions and know what hikers and overall outdoor enthusiasts look for.
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