- 1). Locate a G-rank Khezu. This rank includes G-Red and G-White Khezus. Your search will consist of it's traditional habitats of swamps, jungles and snowy mountains. Search each area and make sure you investigate any caves within as these are most likely to have the Khezu living inside of them.
- 2). Begin a battle with the G-rank Khezu and attempt to break his back using fire based attacks. The Khezu is weak to fire and performing a break on the creature will give you an 8% chance of acquiring the Pale Khezu Steak.
- 3). Defeat the Khezu and acquire its dropped item. The percentage chance the dropped item will in face be a Pale Khezu Steak is 5 percent. Battle multiple Khezus as the drop rate is extremely low.
- 4). Choose to capture the G-rank Khezu for an 8 percent chance the reward for its capture is a Pale Khezu Steak. Depending on your abilities, it may be easier to attempt capture instead of battling the creature until it is defeated. Repeat captures until the item has been received.